
What a trip I had today. Played for about 12 hours.

It started out very annoying. Wonging around, losing here and there, seeming like I could never get a good count, and every time I walked away from a bad one I was a couple of chips short. What's worse was the casino was more crowded than I've ever seen it and even getting a seat was a challenge. I backcounted and backlined a BS player and got hit for about 30 units. Really annoying.

Then I sat down at a table, and not only couldn't I lose, I couldn't leave! I don't like to camp out at a table, gives them too much time to get a fix on me. But it was the damnedest thing I've ever experienced- in 4 hours of play I did not see a count low enough for me to leave the table.

And what's more, was this English redhead next to me implying I should come to her room with her? I sure took it that way. Wow what a night! (Of course I would never do such a thing, the only kind of "naturals" I am looking for in a casino are the kind that pay 3:2.) I was trying to analyze this session in Monkeyspace and what might be going on. The easiest way to get abnormal distributions of counts like I was seeing is to reverse the count. Was I subconsciously reversing the count because I was getting distracted by a girl? Was I doing it because I was frustrated by all the bad counts I was seeing during the day? It was impossible to find food without an hour-long line it was so crowded- was hunger working me over? So I really bore down, just wanting to make sure the strenuous playing condidtions weren't screwing me up, and it looks like they weren't.

And the results showed. Between my stack, ratholed chips and chips I sold to players for cash, I was up 101 green. And I still didn't see a count bad enough to leave. Overcome by fatigue and hunger, I left on the next negative count of any magnitude that I saw. It was a very rough session, but certainly one I would like to repeat.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
What a trip I had today. Played for about 12 hours.
Automatic Monkey said:
I know that most books reccomend that we limit our sessions from 60 to 90 minutes, however when I am playing a table where I am winning slowly 2 to 3 hour sessions are not uncommon for me. Sessions any longer than that would be impossible for me because I will get brain dead and start losing count. When the counts are positive and the Wins come quickly, I will end the session when I get up a certain amount, usally double my buy-in. As far as avoiding the crowds, I stay at home on holiday weekends, however the weekend before a holiday, or the weekend after a holiday are when I like to go.


Well-Known Member
I think the most important question, Monkey, is did you get the redhead's number? I mean, c'mon man, she probably had an accent!.

I had a problem with crowds yesterday in my baby-counting efforts, it was making it really difficult to wong-in (full tables) or wong-out (vulture grabs my spot). Course, it's Labor Day weekend. I was there in the morning, so it wasn't full, but the casino didn't have enough tables open for the crowd size.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
What a trip I had today. Played for about 12 hours.

And what's more, was this English redhead next to me implying I should come
to her room with her? I sure took it that way. Wow what a night! (Of course I would never do such a thing, the only kind of "naturals" I am looking for in a casino are the kind that pay 3:2.) I was trying to analyze this session in Monkeyspace and what might be going on. ...........................................
you shudda taken her up on it. red head ehhh probably was a real orangotang in bed :rolleyes:

Automatic Monkey said:
So I really bore down, just wanting to make sure the strenuous playing condidtions weren't screwing me up, and it looks like they weren't.
ya this gal musta really been impressed.... :p

Automatic Monkey said:
And the results showed. Between my stack, ratholed chips and chips I sold to players for cash, I was up 101 green. And I still didn't see a count bad enough to leave. Overcome by fatigue and hunger, I left on the next negative count of any magnitude that I saw. It was a very rough session, but certainly one I would like to repeat.
big stack, stamina how could she resist? :gaga: :violin:

another great story! gotta love this site!

best regards,
mr fr0g


Well-Known Member
I must say my team and I love the holiday crowds at the casino. There is so much action and bigger and stranger play that its so much easier to blend in and get lost in the crowd. I guess for wonging it would probably be a hassle but for us spotters are already sitting at the table waiting for a count to call someone in. If the table is full on a call in then the spotter gets up, the BP takes his spot and the spotter either comes back when signaled the count has gone bad or finds another table.
These busy times are usually the most profitable, as we are less conservative with some of our play based on the over the top play of the high amount of ploppies. These weekends our spreads get bigger, splitting tens might not be as noticeable (although they didn't allow this at the casino we were at this weekend), and putting odd betting amounts out can lead to dealer errors and overpayment on blackjacks due to their high stress level and workload.
These packed holidays have been time and time again our most profitable times, and this one was no different. We walked away with a net profit of 238 units. Sorry to say no hot english redheads, but plenty of cool american green.
sagefr0g said:
ya this gal musta really been impressed.... :p
big stack, stamina how could she resist?
Yeah, and not only that, she was betting black. She could have funded me.

The things an AP will do for a bankroll! :cool2:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sagefr0g View Post
ya this gal musta really been impressed....
big stack, stamina how could she resist?
Automatic Monkey said:
Yeah, and not only that, she was betting black. She could have funded me.

The things an AP will do for a bankroll! :cool2:
:eek: she was bettin black........ how could you resist?

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
So the gal was a "stacked" english accented redhead... Automonk, you could have been a big winner that night. Oh well, I guess $2500 aint bad though.

Something I did notice, my social life has changed due to my recent Blackjack fixation. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my wife is starting to wonder about me. Ah, Korea where you are always an Advantage "Player" due to the consistent ratio advantage. (I can eloborate if anyone wants me to) Here is a picture of one of the crosswalks I drive through to get to my local casino. ;)

(Dead link: _


Well-Known Member
Do you want some pictures of the dudes Easy? I prefer to take pictures of the women... j/k:D

Korea's got great "ratio", here's why (in BJ terms of course):

1. All dudes in their 20's have to do 2 1/2 years military service, where they are practically imprisoned. You have the advantage right out of the shoe.

2. It is entirely possible to see 2000 young women in Korea and not see a single fat one. That in itself raises the chance of a "pat hand" by a great degree, compared to America where 2/3s adults are overweight, 1/3 obese.

3. There are dozens of womens colleges in the city, and you are guaranteed Advantage Play in the surrounding areas!

4. The vast majority of young women are very or somewhat interested in learning English. Providing you don't look like quasimodo, your chances of winning a "conversation date" with them is about 42.08%.

That does it. I have to lay off the BJ for a while. I have major problems.
