Sweaty Joints of Michigan

Liquid Chips

Well-Known Member
Of the casinos located in Michigan, which ones are considered a "sweaty joint?" Detroit has got the major casinos, MGM, Greektown, and Motor City while the rest of the state has Indian casinos all over. Which ones should I avoid should I get lucky and win big?:grin:

Liquid Chips said:
Of the casinos located in Michigan, which ones are considered a "sweaty joint?" Detroit has got the major casinos, MGM, Greektown, and Motor City while the rest of the state has Indian casinos all over. Which ones should I avoid should I get lucky and win big?:grin:
If you get lucky and win big, all will then be "Sweaty". Of course what is win big?

If I were you I would play New Bufallo, Four Winds Casino. Probably a safer bet. The Indian casinos are not state regulated and they can play very rough :eek:


Liquid Chips

Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
If you get lucky and win big, all will then be "Sweaty". Of course what is win big?

If I were you I would play New Bufallo, Four Winds Casino. Probably a safer bet. The Indian casinos are not state regulated and they can play very rough :eek:

I consider a big win to be, oh, $2000 on up. I wouldn't be counting cards but use various progression systems which would be very obvious when I up my bet after my first winning hand. Is Little River casino in Manistee a good one?

Liquid Chips said:
I consider a big win to be, oh, $2000 on up. I wouldn't be counting cards but use various progression systems which would be very obvious when I up my bet after my first winning hand. Is Little River casino in Manistee a good one?
Well, that depends, what area are you looking to travel in. So you are not an AP?

Take this to my PM if you desire.


Billy C1

Well-Known Member

Liquid Chips said:
I consider a big win to be, oh, $2000 on up. I wouldn't be counting cards but use various progression systems which would be very obvious when I up my bet after my first winning hand. Is Little River casino in Manistee a good one?
With that approach, you will be welcomed with open arms everywhere!

Billy C1

Billy C1

Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Never heard back from the guy, must have great faith in his progression system.:confused:

No doubt, it's a system that's to good to be shared with others! As soon as you convince one person that NO systems work (unless you consider counting a system) there's a new one out there that's sure they have the winning formula.
P.T. Barnum was wrong. There's more than one born every minute.

Billy C1


Well-Known Member
Asked in jest ?

You said " ... I wouldn't be counting cards but use various progression systems which would be very obvious."

As you are NOT an Advantage Player - why would you think that you could be the recipient of "heat" ?

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
You said " ... I wouldn't be counting cards but use various progression systems which would be very obvious."

As you are NOT an Advantage Player - why would you think that you could be the recipient of "heat" ?
I've seen extremely lucky ploppies get heat firsthand. Some casinos really are that stupid.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
I've seen extremely lucky ploppies get heat firsthand. Some casinos really are that stupid.
I don't disagree with you. However, heat normally refers to closer scrutiny of your game to determine whether or not you're playing with an advantage. In your case, if you're winning, you will get scrutiny. However, you should not get any countermeasures because once they evaluate your game, they will know you are not playing with an advantage.


Well-Known Member
jimbiggs said:
I don't disagree with you. However, heat normally refers to closer scrutiny of your game to determine whether or not you're playing with an advantage. In your case, if you're winning, you will get scrutiny. However, you should not get any countermeasures because once they evaluate your game, they will know you are not playing with an advantage.
Unless the casino employees are retarded. Which is common.



Now Flash... hang on a sec here. Can a non-AP "ploppy" as they are called get heat? HECK YEAH!!!! Hahahaha... You and I were together to witness this first hand! We were at a table, the count was horrid... Some guy walked up out of nowhere and starting plunking down fat bets (in this horrible count) and got WAY lucky. As I recall the pit manager was right on top of this and ANOTHER pit type started looking over the backs of the cards in the discard rack to "see what he could see" and they counted out the tray and did all they could to stop slow delay the game. I am guessing they did this so the tape could be backed up so the "eye" could count down the shoe to see if anything didn't "tickle their fancy".

It was nothing and the guy was just lucky was all. That was that table that I was so stunned that the count NEVER went anywhere positive for so many shoes in a row that I was wondering if they took half the darn face cards out of, the table we bailed off of to seek greener pastures. That guy scored a few miraculously good hands right out of the starting gate and kept going, no AP, no nothing... just darn lucky and they were panicking over it.

They ultimately figured out that the guy was just plain ol' lucky undoubtedly and I bet he scored lots of comp and incentives so they could snatch it all back from him.


Well-Known Member
Yes Tarzan, we certainly did see that happen.

It was odd, but beting a few blacks will cause sweat to break out on the foreheads of the pit critters in some joints.

At the time, it was rather clear to the both of us, that that civilian's play was rather unskillful.


New Member

Tarzan, if the count never went positive it sounds like they maybe threw out half the small cards?! sounds like the big cards came out?