TC using Hi-opt 1 vs Hi-Lo


New Member

I've been playing with the counting tutor at:

it uses the Hi-Lo count, but I've been counting along using Hi-Opt 1

I've found that the TCs of the 2 systems can vary by as much as 4
eg Hi-Opt may gavie a TC of -1 whereas Hi-Lo would give a +3!

this divergence in potential playing and betting adjustments is troubling...

am I missing something?

thanks in advance,



tck said:
hi;I've been playing with the counting tutor at:
it uses the Hi-Lo count, but I've been counting along using Hi-Opt 1
I've found that the TCs of the 2 systems can vary by as much as 4
eg Hi-Opt may gavie a TC of -1 whereas Hi-Lo would give a +3!
this divergence in potential playing and betting adjustments is troubling...
am I missing something? thanks in advance, tck
The HO1 count is more accurate for playing the hands... BUT HiLo is more accurate for BETTING... AND ACCURATE BETTING is more important than count-play accuracy. So, overall, HiLo is better. And lastly, IF you are not good at the true-count adjustment, you are better off with a running-count system like KO. zg


New Member
zengrifter said:
The HO1 count is more accurate for playing the hands... BUT HiLo is more accurate for BETTING... AND ACCURATE BETTING is more important than count-play accuracy. So, overall, HiLo is better. And lastly, IF you are not good at the true-count adjustment, you are better off with a running-count system like KO. zg

thanks for the reply!

I don't have a problem converting RC to TC,

but seems kind of a bummer in that if we use HiLo to get a more accurate count, and bet higher amounts on the +ve counts, yet the play adjustments are less accurate when we have more $$ on the table :sad:

I wonder if anyone has ran simulations to compare the divergences in TC between these 2 (and other?) might be interesting!

...just from looking at the Indices of the 2 systems, it seems like, on the most part, Hi Opt 1's TC indices are 1 unit less than Hi Lo... looking at the I18 specifically, most are either the same or 1 less;

thanks agian,