TC vs. Betting?????


Active Member
first of all, thanks for all the help. i will be going to the casino to count cards for my first time and i know i have been asking a lot of questions, so thanks.
anyway, i was wondering about betting vs. count, i know there are several posts about bet spread, but i guess i am just being confused by the terminology. what i should be at what count??? currently use this strategy and it seems to be working okay, but i was wondering if anyone else has any suggestions in this subject, or if you think i should bet different amounts then i already am.
i usually do this at a $5 minimum table:
TC< +1 = $5 bet
TC= +2 = $10 bet
TC= +3 = $15 bet
TC= +4 = $20 bet
TC= +5 = $25 bet
TC= +6 = $30 bet
TC= +7 = $35 bet
TC= +8 = $40 bet
TC= +9 = $45 bet
TC= +10 = $50 bet
TC= +11 = $55 bet
TC> +12 = $60 bet


Staff member
You should be ramping up to your max bet much quicker than that. Shoot for getting your biggest bet on the table at either +4 or +5 true counts.


Active Member
what about this???
TC< +1 = $5 bet
TC= +2 = $10 bet
TC= +3 = $20 bet
TC= +4 = $40 bet
TC> +5 = $60 bet

also, just wondering, would this be considered a 1-12 spread???


Well-Known Member
Yes,but let me ask you a question.Is your bankroll able to absorb losing 5 big bets? Otherwise I'd suggest you not spread so much.


Active Member
the RC is the coutn you get after adding up the cards seen, and the TC is the RC divided by the amount of decks left.
If the running count is +3 and there is 1 and 1/2 decks left then the true count is +2, correct???


Well-Known Member
matts0809 said:
the RC is the count you get after adding up the cards seen, and the TC is the RC divided by the amount of decks left.
If the running count is +3 and there is 1 and 1/2 decks left then the true count is +2, correct???
You got it.