mjbballar23 said:
i have a 4 man team and a third party bankroll. we just started playing with this bankroll and we are having trouble decided what is the best way to distribute profits if we are also giving a bankroll cut. any suggestions as to how often we should be distributing profits and such would be greatly appreciated.
Its kind of dangerous making these decisions after play has already started using an outside investor and having other team members. It can lead to disagreements among the team and especially the investor. You should get a team policy and guidelines firmly in place and agreed upon before play starts. I suggest like others here have, to set money profit goals and break bank proportionately upon reaching it. Before setting a money goal you should simulate or figure what kind of game you will be playing including team strategy, table rules, bankroll, unit size and bet spread. This way you can come up with a fairly realistic goal of what your E.V. should be and approximately how long it should take you and what % chance you have of reaching it. That way you can set up 2 ways of breaking bank. Either when you reach your money target, or when you reach the allotted hours of total play that you figured you would have reached that goal you can break bank. If you have not reached the money goal in the hours you expected but have a profit, distribute what you do have so at least there is some compensation for playing.
As far as profit distribution, that can vary greatly on one's perspective of what they want out of this game. I know of no team that gives investors more than 50% of profits. If you will be replenishing your bankroll with profits, I would make the investors share no more than 25% as the other 75% needs to be divided up between players salary, building bankroll, and team expenses. This is why these details should be worked out before the actual playing starts. There needs to be a full understanding among the investor and team, and between the teamates what to expect. Otherwise anyone involved can back out or worse saying this is not what they had in mind when agreeing to participate in this endeavor. Remember, blackjack is a volatile high risk investment, any who invest in it should be made clear of this. There are no gaurantees, but like any other high risk investment, when it hits it will come with high reward, when its down, well, you know the deal.
There is a lot to organizing a team to run fairly and efficiently, but if you really try to think of it as a business and not just a game, all parties should be satisfied with at least how its handled even if its not immediately profitable. There are a good many start ups that fail or aren't initially successful moneywise, but if you implement a well managed business plan from the beginning, you at least stand a chance and will be more likely to succeed than most.