Tell me there's another explanation besides paranoia to the nth degree


Well-Known Member
I go to to check my point totals. For the last 2 days, I've been getting this error:
Either the Macromedia application server is unreachable or it does not have a mapping to process this request.

So, I tried the same site from work today and it's fine!

Is it possible they barred my home IP address?!


Well-Known Member
Maybe your computer at home doesn't have something installed or enabled (Flash, Javascripts, etc.). Have you been able to access your points from home before using the same browser?



Well-Known Member
Macromedia makes the Flash plugin, so that might be your problem. How to fix it is beyond me though.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I had a hard drive failure recently and had to reinstall a lot of stuff. Usually, when it's missing a plug-in, it asks, rather than just displaying an error...


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Actually, I had a hard drive failure recently and had to reinstall a lot of stuff. Usually, when it's missing a plug-in, it asks, rather than just displaying an error...
Usually, but check here for the current flash plugin. I'd just reinstall that even if it says you're OK.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you. ;-)