Terminology for noobs


Well-Known Member
There's a couple terms and abbreviations I'm having trouble with. It would help me out a ton when reading through the forum if I knew their definitions.

H17, S17, wong, ploppie



Well-Known Member
geneticfreak said:
There's a couple terms and abbreviations I'm having trouble with. It would help me out a ton when reading through the forum if I knew their definitions.

H17, S17, wong, ploppie

H17 dealer hit's on soft17 .... a not so good rule
S17 dealer stands on soft17 .... a good rule ... dealer stands on all 17's
a counter wongs in when standing behind a table not playing but counting cards then enters play on an advantage.
a counter wongs out when playing at a table and conditions become disadvantageous the counter discontinues play.
a ploppie is a term counters use for those who play blackjack with little or no knowledge. it's not meant to be derogatory.

these links should help
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