Thank you Eliot

This is by far the best BJ site (with the most honorable host) I've ever had the pleasure to post on!
Thank you for your kindness Eliot! I was starting to lose faith!
I now need to settle some scores on those 'other sites' loaded with those immature gun slinger type posters.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

Welcome to this board.

I would ask that you introduce yourself to those who may not know you.

We look forward to your very unique perspective on the issues.


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
A small plug

Mr. Cellini's book:

(Dead link:

learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: A small plug and a healthy price!

Is there a paper back! Does someone want to donate a copy to the card counters relief fund. Sounds like an interesting book but whew big bucks. Any way we here at card can get a discount too! Ltc

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: web site is slow and weird today Mayor?

I have not noticed the slowness locally here.

I am sorry for your problems. The server is located in a small town in SouthEast Ohio, and when it rains there the cables (which run through a ditch) get wet, and then who knows what... but it is a free service for me to use (I helped start that ISP and am a partial owner to this day).



New Member
Re: web site is slow and weird today Mayor?

At the moment it is running fine for me in Northern Calif. Last night I noticed some delays, but they were intermittent. 'probably caused by ZG's subject (anti-)matter.


Active Member
Re: web site is slow and weird today Mayor?

I can attest to wet weather effecting connectivity.
I have a frame relay-line between me and my broker in austin,tx that they pay for 800 bucks a month.The line runs through manhole below a road that borders the Indian River/Intercoastal...when it rains constant 3-4 days..I get timouts and increased latency problems repeaters or not.