Thanks Everyone and Boo Hiss on the New Law


Active Member
Hey everyone. I've just gotten into card counting this year. It intrigued me for several reasons including but not limited to fun, money, and all of its interesting mathematical exercises. Early in my interest I stumbled across this wonderful website which has since constantly been rocking my world. I wanted to take this moment to say thanks. Thanks for the wealth of information. How does this relate to the all the hubbub of the new online gambling law you may ask? Well, I decided to practice BS with online BJ after reading all about bonus hunting. I must say I was hoping to continue to do it until I'd built a sufficient bankroll for brick and mortar casino counting adventures. Well, I did not reach that goal, but I did get a nice start on it because of bonus hunting ($1500) and I must say that I am sad to see the online gaming venture go.

Thanks again, and I hope that soon I will be knowledgeable enough to answer some of the questions on this site. Mr. Smith, feel free to delete this if it is inappropriate or not educational enough for the site. I'll totally understand. This is one helluva "secret society" ;)

anyway, I know this is sappy, but....I love you guys.


kender said:
Hey everyone. I've just gotten into card counting this year. It intrigued me for several reasons including but not limited to fun, money, and all of its interesting mathematical exercises. Early in my interest I stumbled across this wonderful website which has since constantly been rocking my world. I wanted to take this moment to say thanks. Thanks for the wealth of information. How does this relate to the all the hubbub of the new online gambling law you may ask? Well, I decided to practice BS with online BJ after reading all about bonus hunting. I must say I was hoping to continue to do it until I'd built a sufficient bankroll for brick and mortar casino counting adventures. Well, I did not reach that goal, but I did get a nice start on it because of bonus hunting ($1500) and I must say that I am sad to see the online gaming venture go.

Thanks again, and I hope that soon I will be knowledgeable enough to answer some of the questions on this site. Mr. Smith, feel free to delete this if it is inappropriate or not educational enough for the site. I'll totally understand. This is one helluva "secret society" ;)

anyway, I know this is sappy, but....I love you guys.
We try. We're going to call our secret society "AP Neophytes R US". zg