The best, simple starting method


New Member
Recently been looking a lot at card counting and thought I would give a try for fun.

Was wondering what people thought was a nice easy method for a 'newbie', although something that does actually work. Maybe something I could read for 20 minutes, understand and then start practicing.

Someone told me of a method where you use seven as a zero then all card down from 7 are +1, +2.... so on, till you have your 2 which is plus 5 and the opposite way with all the cards up are minus, 8 is -1, 9 is -2 and all face cards are minus 3. This gives you a total of 60 either way, however it doesnt work if you use aces. the higher the count, the more chance of winning! I've also seen one with something like 6,7,8 are all 0. 2,3,4,5 are all +1 and 9 with all face cards are 10, or something along those lines with the same rule. higher count = more win chance. finally divide running count by number of decks left to give a true count.

I've had a little look on the site but cant find what im looking for.

Just want a method name and maybe a link and ill let you all know how it goes!




Well-Known Member
Lord, I don't have a clue what sort of counting system you "heard about!" Keep it simple.

First, get Basic Strategy down pat. We should have a rubber stamp on this forum to emphasize that!

Then try (Archive copy) and follow the links to the explanation for the KO Rookie counting system. No need to go into a lot of detail here on it since the official version is at the site quoted above.

Good Luck!


New Member
Thanks for that reply mate, the basic strategy game is good and I've printed and will read the rookie KO system, it looks VERY simple though.

Where can I find the basic strategy written down? The site you sent has a game and a MASSIVE chart. surely there are simple rules to folow!?


Well-Known Member
mbwest said:
Thanks for that reply mate, the basic strategy game is good and I've printed and will read the rookie KO system, it looks VERY simple though.

Where can I find the basic strategy written down? The site you sent has a game and a MASSIVE chart. surely there are simple rules to folow!?
This site has a basic strategy engine that will create charts for you. In fact you can purchase laminated basic strategy charts here from Or you can go to and pull up any set of charts you wish.

KO, as discussed in another thread, has two basic strategies in the book also sold here on The first (Generic) is less detailed than those found at the sites I gave you, but it is general so that it can be used at any table (any number of decks and any table rules.)

The second "chart" given in KO is a "Simplified" chart that is indeed very basic. It is missing a lot of the plays that the authors considered so infrequent in occurence that a rookie player really didn't need bother learning them before getting involved in counting. I disagree with that attitude, but I wasn't consulted before the book went to print :laugh: I will agree that it's simplicity does make it a lot easier to memorize. Since it is not detailed on the site, I do not feel free to post the details.