the best way to leverage and profit off the card count


New Member
ok ok ok so you know how to count cards fast and easily

now what??? what is the best strategy to leverage this information?

do you bet it all on the last card?? raise bets?? explain... smart people


Well-Known Member
robert5100 said:
now what??? what is the best strategy to leverage this information?
Honestly, judging from your other posts.

The best way to profit from your play is:
Stop playing, and write a book instead. And then hope someone will buy it.

This is way more profitable than your negative-progression-9-Ace-count-bet-all-on-last-card play.


Well-Known Member
robert5100 said:
ok ok ok so you know how to count cards fast and easily

now what??? what is the best strategy to leverage this information?

do you bet it all on the last card?? raise bets?? explain... smart people
Read the wealth of information posted on these forums and in the left hand margin and please quit acting like a total idiot.


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: The Game of Blackjak is safe and sound with fellas like Robert sitting at the tables! Keep on playing Robert! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Robert, you have left us with a profound and monumentally important question, full of wisdom and insight, that we all will contemplate and meditate on.

Solo player

Well-Known Member
robert5100 said:
ok ok ok so you know how to count cards fast and easily

now what??? what is the best strategy to leverage this information?

do you bet it all on the last card?? raise bets?? explain... smart people
You all ready answered the question on the voodoo pages. What more do you need?


Well-Known Member
1. On the left of the screen, under site features, read the blackjack school section ASAP.

2. Quit while you're ahead and just hold on to that $1647.

3. Stop writing bullshit threads about the bullshit systems you've come up with.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that people try to reinvent the wheel? Are they trying to cover up their inability to count or are they too lazy to put in the hard work needed to become an AP? I think their time would be better spent practicing the game instead of comming up with short cuts. Talk to me in a couple years and tell me how its going! :whip:


Well-Known Member
you got...

The bet spreading approach where you bet small and during high counts yeilding positive EV you dramatically raise your bet.

and you got the back counting aproach where you dont play at all, and then only bet when the game is indicated as favorable by your counting system.

Backcounting will yeild a higher return per dollar put into action. But for games where no midshoe entry is allowes, you will need to spread bet.

Problem with spread betting is, is that whenever you are betting small, you are slowly pissing away money, its not a lot of money, but its money you ncould otherwise keep if you werent actually betting so it digs into your profits. If you can avoid it, by all means you shoudl do so.

Its pretty hard to go wrong if you backcount, you can just shove whatever you want in there and you will make monmey if you dont bet the losing hands.


New Member
hahahah ok

No one answered my question except for Ferretnparrot. I also read so many junk 21 books that all just lecture on vague principles rather than actual methods.

What do you DO with your 21 count?? seriously


Well-Known Member
robert5100 said:
hahahah ok

No one answered my question except for Ferretnparrot. I also read so many junk 21 books that all just lecture on vague principles rather than actual methods.

What do you DO with your 21 count?? seriously
I answered your question: Read the information posted on this site! I can't give you a 2 sentence answer to your question and there are a slew of others here who can explain things in much greater depth and detail than I can. Read the stickies in the card counting forum. Read posts in the forum that look like they may have the info you're looking for. Read the Blackjack School lessons. The link is on the left margin.

You need to get the initiative to read the information yourself. You've been told where to find the answers, so go read and study and please don't make anymore stupid, redundant posts until you've read and studied all the material given here. If you aren't smart enough to read and understand the information posted here or are just too lazy to do so, than you are just ultimately going to fail anyway, so either read and study the info or give it up and quit bothering us with your stupid, lazy attitude.