"The Big Player" and another unrelated Question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

1. I wish to buy Ken Uston's THE BIG PLAYER, and I see it on Amazon, used, for like $45. That seems a little excessive. Is it because it is rare? Is it cheaper anywhere else? Will someone sell it to me?

2. Someone told me today that every deck over single deck in blackjack adds slightly more House Edge to the game. Is this true, and what is the % edge?




Active Member
2. Someone told me today that every deck over single deck in blackjack adds slightly more House Edge to the game. Is this true, and what is the % edge?
In short, yes, the more decks the greater the house advantage. Depending on the rules (including penetration) it will determine the house's advantage over you using basic strategy. In theory, with optimal old Vegas rules, the player would actually have an advantage of .01 in a 1 deck game. From one deck to two decks is the biggest swing under the same rules giving the house a .34 advantage over you. From there it narrows with every deck that is added:

  • 1 deck / +.01 (player's advantage)
  • 2 decks / -.34
  • 3 decks / -.45
  • 4 decks / -.50
  • 5 decks / -.53
  • 6 decks / -.55
  • 7 decks / -.56
  • 8 decks / -.57

Someone will be able to give you a more current version of this, modern rules & whatnot, I'm sure it's available online. This should give you the basic answer to your question though.

I checked Barnes & Noble & Ebay also for your book. The starting price *used* there is $75.00. I do not have the book so it seems like it'll be pricey to get ahold of. Gl.



Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Hey guys,

2. Someone told me today that every deck over single deck in blackjack adds slightly more House Edge to the game. Is this true, and what is the % edge?

I'm guessing you're looking at the house edges for a counting stand point, but from just a playing standpoint not only is the house edge slightly higher on a 6 deck game. But with a 6 deck game ASM game, much less time is spent shuffling and preparing shoes than say a 2 deck game so more money is usually wagered on a higher deck shoe game at a slightly higher disadvantage because more hands are seen.