The cheapest 11 hands without a win!


Well-Known Member
I was playing down out the silver club on my first hand I had a $3 matchplay got a soft 18 vs a 4 and doubled down I lost! In the next few hands I was betting $5 a hand extremly low for me and I went 0-9-2 so I suffered 9 loses in 11 hands at a cost of only $46! I played perfect basic stragedy during this time not giving up an expected value. My average wager is usally over $30 a hand so the loses where kind of funny to me. I feel really good about my self for not steaming and putting more money out there when I was getting killed and the count was negative.


Well-Known Member
I think the real test of discipline is when you have a positive count and you keep losing...Try not steaming during this situation and throw out more than you can handle.


Cardcounter said:
I was playing down out the silver club on my first hand I had a $3 matchplay got a soft 18 vs a 4 and doubled down I lost! In the next few hands I was betting $5 a hand extremly low for me and I went 0-9-2 so I suffered 9 loses in 11 hands at a cost of only $46! I played perfect basic stragedy during this time not giving up an expected value. My average wager is usally over $30 a hand so the loses where kind of funny to me. I feel really good about my self for not steaming and putting more money out there when I was getting killed and the count was negative.
Steam on !



Well-Known Member
I might have had a 11-hand non-win streak that was even cheaper. At a $5 table, I pushed 8 hands in a row once (two 21's!) and then lost one or two hands after that. So if I lost the hand before my push streak, that might have been a $15-$20 loss over 11 non-wins.


Well-Known Member
i had this happen with a few pushes in there at a fairly positive count. quickest 50 units gone in such a short time.. *sigh*