21forme said:
But "computer money" is like a casino comp. It's not real. When I was in college in the 70s, walking across campus to the computer center to feed my cards into the reader, then come back the next day to pick up the job, there was always an account balance and how much it cost to run. Did I have to pay for it? No, and if it ran out they just gave me more.
In the early 70's & before, companies that couldn't afford computers often paid to timeshare one from another company; IOW: they paid per amt of time used, and others used the same computer. That's why you saw an account balance. Even within companies, and universities they sometimes charged back each department for what time and resources were used. Maybe it was paid by your department on behalf of all students, though it may have been a paper transfer between the user department and the computer department. Still, SOMEONE had to pony up for the hardware software, operators, and huge electric bills to run those machines.
Most modern networks, even Window$ servers have an accounting feature, though it's not frequently used.
Back in the day a guy doing research like Thorpe would surely have had to pay for his computer use out of his research grants Someone NOT affiliated with a university or company that used timeshare would probably have had to pay much more ..... if they could find one to take their project at all.
You mean that comp dinner my wife and I had yesterday wasn't real? Aure seed OK :grin: