The dead tycoon, his girlfriend, her lover and stolen silver


Saturday at 9pm. zg

The dead tycoon, his girlfriend, her lover and stolen silver

By Steve Kanigher
Fri, Oct 24, 2008 (2 a.m.)

He was the son of the late Benny Binion, an iconic casino owner whose Horseshoe Club downtown gave rise to the World Series of Poker.

The younger Binion abused illicit drugs and alcohol. He had a beautiful girlfriend half his age who worked briefly as a stripper and cheated on him. He had a hoard of silver bullion and coins that were stolen from their underground vault in the desert. And he was found dead at age 55 in his posh ranch-style home.

The girlfriend and her lover — who had built the vault — were charged with murdering Binion and stealing the silver.

The culmination was a high-profile courtroom drama that attracted national media attention and was detailed by Las Vegas Sun senior investigative reporter Jeff German in his book, “Murder in Sin City.”

The book served as the inspiration for “Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal,” a movie that will air at 9 p.m. Saturday on the Lifetime Network, cable television channel 26.



Sunday, October 26, 2008 10:28 PM

From: "[email protected]"
To: [email protected]

"Sex & Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal” was a low budget fantasy TV version of the Ted Binion, Sandra Murphy story based on a paperback written by a Las Vegas Sun reporter who was very close to the Behnen family, and close to Judge Joe Bonaventure, Sr.

The cast was poorly chosen, and the settings were all shot in Hollywood studios.

This poorly written screenplay depicts the Binion death through the eyes of Becky Binion who paid witnesses $20,000 each to testify against Murphy who stood to inherit Binion's house and much of his fortune.

Instead, Becky wanted the story to depict Murphy as the murderess so Becky's family could receive all of her brother's fortune, leaving Murphy out of the will.

For much a much more factual representation of this story written by an unbiased author, read:

Also, you may find the following columns and news stories of interest - SM: Thursday,

September 23, 2004

[FONT=verdana,arial]DISCIPLINE COMMISSION: Binion case judge could face complaint
[FONT=verdana,arial]Bonaventure's decision to attend book signing in question[/FONT]

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline could decide today whether to pursue a complaint about District Judge Joseph Bonaventure attending a book signing in the Ted Binion murder case more than three years ago.
Former City Councilman Steve Miller said Wednesday he filed the complaint with the commission in April 2002.
Miller said the complaint questioned Bonaventure's decision to attend a 2001 book signing for a book about the Binion case that was written by Las Vegas Sun reporter Jeff German. (Archive copy) (Archive copy)

New evidence may surface soon in Binion case
COMMENTARY: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune
May 1, 2002I was also told by the employees that Ted boasted of having "taken care" of then-gubernatorial candidate Jan Jones with a $50,000 campaign contribution to guarantee him getting his gaming license reinstated if she were elected. The employees said it was taken for granted that Becky and Nick were aware of the scheme. Today, this accusation opens up ominous speculation."Bob (Stupak) reached into his coat pocket and produced a brown $5,000 Horseshoe chip, and presented it to the Reverend as a donation to an inner-city Chicago youth group. Rev. Grey gladly accepted on behalf of the youth organization, and joked that the chip was the 'Coin of the Realm' in Las Vegas. What happened next is unbelievable!"

The Great Chip Caper
COLUMN: Steve Miller
© Copyright Las Vegas Tribune
May 6,1999Casino Journal
FEBRUARY 1999 The case of the $5,000 chips (Archive copy)
By Bob Shemeligian
During the evening, Stupak invited Grey and Steve Miller, who heads the Nevada Coalition Against Gambling Expansion, to join him and longtime companion Phyllis McGuire for a little Vegas-styled fun and frivolity at the Golden Nugget. The foursome enjoyed dinner, and then over drinks at a casino lounge they all joined in a rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In."(Dead link: _AS GOOD AS CASH?_
"Thursday morning, accompanied by former City Councilman Steve Miller, Grey attempted to exchange the chip for cash and was refused by Horseshoe Sports Book Director Larry Perkins." Grey said, 'All I know is, Bill Bible (former chairman of the state Gaming Control Board) better not tell me about regulation. I just found out a chip is no good.'" COLUMN:
John L. Smith
Las Vegas Review Journal
November 12, 1998Binion's chip dispute moves to Gaming Board
"Former City Councilman Steve Miller, who was working with Grey, said in November that the intent of the lawsuit is to show that Nevada's gaming regulatory system is not the model of efficiency being touted by former Gaming Board Chairman Bill Bible."Las Vegas SUN
May 19, 1999
By Bill GangRev. Grey's chip finally comes in
The infamous chip is cashed at last with Steve's help!
[SIZE=-2]Rev. Tom Grey
LV Sun,
July 14, 1999
"The state Gaming Control Board ordered Behnen to honor the chips in March, but she'd declined to do so until Monday. The board had scheduled a hearing on the issue for today.
Stupak made the offer to Grey to help publicize his efforts to cash in 50 of the Horseshoe's $5,000 chips after the downtown casino refused to honor them. Stupak is sending a $5,000 check to a colleague of the Rev. Tom Grey to fulfill a promise he made to the anti-gaming activist last fall, when the chip dispute erupted, Grey ally Steve Miller said."COLUMN: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune
August 16, 2000
A $5,000 Horseshoe chip may lead to new evidence in the Binion Case
"One day in November 1998, following Ted's death, Binion friend Bob Stupak tried to cash $250,000 worth of $5,000 chips. Stupak also attempted to retrieve two safe deposit boxes full of cash he had on deposit in the casino's cage. Nick and Becky Behnen unexplainably refused to cash Stupak's chips or return his currency. Stupak loudly protested and was eighty-sixed permanently from the casino. Bob Stupak had at least a half-million dollars in one hundred-dollar bills stored in the Horseshoe's casino cage at the time. The Behnens showed no intention of returning the money."Bob Stupak assaulted by Binion family member at Piero's Restaurant
© Copyright Las Vegas Tribune, Inc
August 30, 2000
By Steve Miller
[SIZE=-2]Tribune Photo of Bob Stupak demanding that Horseshoe return safe deposit boxes[/SIZE]At 9:23PM, Friday, August 25, Stratosphere Tower developer Bob Stupak dialed 911 on his cell phone to report that Benny Behnen and two unidentified accomplices had attacked and beaten him and his daughter Summer at Piero's restaurant on Convention Center Drive. A second call to 911 was also logged by Metro reporting the same incident.What lead to the assault on the Stupaks at Piero's?
© Copyright Las Vegas Tribune, Inc
September 6, 2000
By Steve Miller

[SIZE=-2]23 Year old Benny Behnen[/SIZE]"Another of the reported Piero's assailants was Chance LeSeuer who in 1996 attracted police attention when he was linked to a drive-by shooting outside Ted Binion's Palomino Lane home, the same house in which he was found dead Sept. 17, 1998. Although initially charged with attempted murder, LeSueur eventually pleaded guilty to lesser charges. Inexplicably, prior to the alleged assault, Chance LeSeuer was observed dining with Nick, Becky, and Benny Behnen in another part of Piero's restaurant! The reason for the ongoing relationship between the Behnens and the man who allegedly is linked to the 1996 drive-by shooting outside Ted Binion's home is not clear."Tabish and Murphy tell all
Exclusive to the Las Vegas Tribune
September 6, 2000
By Steve Miller
"She described both Behnens as being intoxicated and engaged in a "screaming match" with Ted. She said that Ted grabbed a shotgun and cocked it saying 'Get the hell out of here.' She said the Behnen's left the property, however Nick Behnen reportedly called Ted later that night from 12 to 15 times on his answering machine to make threatening remarks."COLUMN: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune
August 6, 2000
Feeling safe in upscale restaurants"As we settled down for a wonderful meal I began telling my very curious friends about the reason I now avoid Piero's. I told them about an evening in 1998 when I was at Piero's and ended up helping to stop a vicious fistfight while the owner and his staff stood by and watched. Then I told them about the assault upon Bob and Summer Stupak at Piero's on Friday, August 25. Another violent incident that witnesses report was not broken up by restaurant staff, and how the assailants were later welcomed back to party in the bar after the police left."Las Vegas Tribune EXCLUSIVE
September 13, 2000
[SIZE=+1]The Secret Binion Tapes Surface[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Alan Dershowitz joins Murphy/Tabish Defense team[/SIZE]
By Steve Miller
[SIZE=-2]Page One Page Four[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Page Two Page Five[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Page Three* Page Six[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Page Seven[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]*Contanins obscene language[/SIZE]"After being locked in a file at the Nevada Gaming Control Board Enforcement Division for almost two years, the Las Vegas Tribune has received a verified copy of a CONFIDENTIAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT that may shed new light on the death of Ted Binion. This report is so alarming that the Tribune has decided to publish it in its' original form on Gaming Control Board, and LVMPD official forms."Horseshoe Club in Deep Doo Doo
COMMENTARY: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune
January 9, 2002This was not the first time Benny Behnen had physically assaulted Bob Stupak. In 1998 Stupak filed a police report against Behnen for another assault and battery incident that occurred at the Horseshoe Casino in downtown Las Vegas. Stupak alleged young Behnen took a swing at him when he tried to cash several Horseshoe $5,000 chipsLas Vegas Tribune
January 10, 2001
By Steve MillerOne of the landlords who owns the property under the casino told the Las Vegas Tribune that he has not received his rent payments from casino owner Becky Binion-Behnen for over a year. The amount owing is reportedly in excess of one million dollars. It is also reported that other Horseshoe landlords have not received their year 2000 rent payments indicating that the casino may be experiencing cash flow problems. COMMENTARY: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune August 22, 2001
BAD JUDGE- MENTJeff German holding a book signing at the Horseshoe seemed almost natural in light of the tone of his book that makes him sound like a lackey for the Behnens. But judges are another story! Judges are supposed to avoid any appearance of impropriety! I can excuse the lameness of the pretty female anchor for not knowing Fremont Street from Green Valley Parkway, but I am amazed that Judge Bonaventure showed up at that book signing hosted by the Behnens! Only in Las Vegas.HORSESHOE OWNER MISLED REPORTERS
Las Vegas Tribune was first to report cash flow problems denied by Behnen
Las Vegas Tribune
September 5, 2001
By Steve MillerOn January 10, 2001, the Las Vegas Tribune headline read "Downtown Horseshoe may be in financial trouble." The exclusive story described how the downtown Las Vegas gambling hall was experiencing financial difficulty and not paying its dues to the Fremont Street Experience, LLC, or rent to its landlords for over a year.Judge, Prosecutors Reveal Prejudices

Las Vegas Tribune
November 7, 2001
By Steve MillerSeveral other attorneys who have read the paperback told the Tribune that it was improper for Judge Bonaventure to have signed his name to such a biased and inflammatory book because his signature implied that he was endorsing the validity of the above and other slanderous and unproven sexual allegations that are scattered throughout the pages - allegations that if untrue demonize the defendants who he is about to pass judgment on. Judge Bonaventure should be sanctioned

[SIZE=-2]Judge signing books on KLAS TV News[/SIZE]
Las Vegas Tribune
June 12, 2002Even if Judge Bonaventure claims that he was not aware of the illicit sexual act described on page 284 of "Murder in Sin City," as a long-time member of the judiciary he should have done his due diligence and reviewed the entire content of the paperback before adding his autograph to dozens of copies thereby endorsing the veracity of the book's contents at a promotional event in a casino owned by the sister of the man the Defendants are accused of killing. JUDGE OFFENDED BY LV TRIBUNE STORY

Fireworks erupt during hearing in Binion case
October 02, 2002
By Kim Smith
LAS VEGAS SUN Bonaventure also criticized Murphy's attorney, Herb Sachs, for allowing an assistant, John Prendeville, to e-mail at least one media outlet about Tuesday's hearing in the Ted Binion murder case.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt?
COMMENTARY: Steve Miller
Las Vegas Tribune
October 31, 2001One thing has now become clear in my mind: the Ted Binion "murder" mystery has not been solved "Beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Steve Miller writes internationally syndicated columns on organized crime and political corruption for Rick Porrello's, the Canada Free Press:,
and Twisted
Visit his website at: see his listing on Publisher's Marketplace: (Dead link: _
