We Wong in during good counts, or sometimes play two hands. We Wong out during bad counts. We do this because it gives us an advantage. We play more hands when the deck is in our favor, and less when it is against us.
I don't think it's too far of a jump to say that this effects the players around us. When we play two hands instead of one, or one instead of zero we are using more of a good deck. When we wong out we are counting on the rest of the players to "eat" the bad cards so we can come back to a fresh shoe. They end up playing more hands in bad decks, and less in good ones.
I started thinking about this when I was getting chewed out by a player for entering and leaving the shoe. His arguement was that I was hurting the table by altering the flow of cards, which I know is bunk. I now believe he was right that I was hurting the table, but for the wrong reason. I think Wonging slightly lowers the rest of the table's expected value. Do you agree? Does anyone ever feel bad about this?
I don't think it's too far of a jump to say that this effects the players around us. When we play two hands instead of one, or one instead of zero we are using more of a good deck. When we wong out we are counting on the rest of the players to "eat" the bad cards so we can come back to a fresh shoe. They end up playing more hands in bad decks, and less in good ones.
I started thinking about this when I was getting chewed out by a player for entering and leaving the shoe. His arguement was that I was hurting the table by altering the flow of cards, which I know is bunk. I now believe he was right that I was hurting the table, but for the wrong reason. I think Wonging slightly lowers the rest of the table's expected value. Do you agree? Does anyone ever feel bad about this?