The Mayor's RMatch 'theory' was 'proven'...


...two nights ago - while playing at a 1D RM game I noticed that the player split 3s and proceded to bust each with a RM - side by side RMs were scooped into the discard tray - there were three hands in play at the table two players + dealer - the dealer doeas a quick strip and then riflles the deck three times - WHOA! WORTH A GAMBLE I CONCLUDE - I bet my max bet on the RM off the top and onward - WAM second round I nailed one! Thanks Professor! zg


You speciffically suggested...

.., on another board that IF the suited KQ fell together they might be trackable using a riffle-count approach ala Ace-Location methods. zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

I have a very short memory. My wife will attest to that. I forget the first part of her sentences before she finishes the last part.


Here, now remember...

..."Another angle that occurs to me would be to take into account any information you might have from the previous deck's play that might shed light on the likelihood of matches, especially royal matches, occurring in the new deck. For instance, if a suited K,Q pair were discarded together during the play of one deck (not necessarily as a royal match), they might be more likely to come out close together during the next deck of play, depending of course on the shuffle. For instance, in Wong's shuffle study in chapter 15 of Professional Blackjack, it was found that adjacent discards in the single-deck shuffle considered ended up in the same order, separated by between 1 and 7 cards, about 44% of the time."