The Mouth


Well-Known Member
Recently, Aslan posted his experience with a belligerent, intimidating type of blackjack player that rounded on him at the same table, because Aslan had had the nerve to double his A7 and the Mouth was playing two $500 hands. (The Mouth's principle was that the money on the table dictates, and besides, only a real goose would double an already 18; right?)

This took me back a few years to when I liked a certain room off the main floor at Brisbane's Treasury casino. This room generally had four tables and usually at least one hand-shuffled shoe game. So this particular day I check it out and yep, there is my favourite table as expected, but with a whole gang of Chinese players, (including Mom) playing just two boxes (one and six, and max for each round) exclusively. They seem to be winning quite well, so I elect to join the fun and the pitboss gives me the nod and I do a mid-shoe entry.

I don't understand any spoken Chinese, but I get a pretty fair idea of what they are talking about to each other and the tone and body language is not pleasant. One bursts forth in pidgin English, something about the Flow of Cards and I am about to fvck it up by plonking my arse right there on box 3 - right in the middle of the Sacred Flow. So why don't I just piss off and find another table, and not upset their winning streak... the head Triad says.

The pitcritter does not really want to be involved in any China V Australia Blackjack War, and I'm sure he'd really prefer if I'd just piss off and find another table. But being of good ol convict Aussie stock, I'm getting a little pissed by the Chinese Mafia throwing its weight around me, and not even saying please. So I say, "Howdy Jacky Chan. Nice of you to let me join the fun. How ya doin mate?" This does not go down at all well, and even Grandma is getting in on the act, with her shrill voice.

The game continues, but with a negative vibe you could cut with chopsticks.
After that round, a committee decision has been reached and amid much grumbling, the entire Triad leaves the table and stands nearby. I take a closer look at them. I meet six pairs of eyes focused on my throat area and I'm convinced the head Ninja is fumbling for a dagger to slit something of mine in the neck area. My game continues, alone at the table now.

But I'm aware of invisible daggers flying through the air and killing me, over and over. It's beginning to get to me, as I find myself doubling 9 against dealer 10 - something I never do, even after too many Jack is Backs. My concentration, focus and timing is way out. Is China using some secret psycho weapon to get rid of their pests? Fortunately, they left the room shortly after and things returned to relative peace and harmony.

Now for my point. I'm certain most of us have sat with The Mouth, in its many and varied forms. Only a very strong mind is able to maintain composure, focus and concentration when confronted with a personal, highly-charged emotional attack. It's not always possible to find another table and worse still, the count might be highly favourable, so why leave, just because of one arse with a Big Mouth... I think there could be some interesting views and experiences on this topic among you guys here...:grin:


Active Member
I think we all have had our share of ploppys and general asses at the table and I've been doing this since '79 and have had my share.

I have no problem with these poeple because (1) they cause a disturbance that takes the pits attention away from me if there were any and (2) I'm kind of a nasty SOB and will egg these people on so they continue to draw attention to themselves.

Sometimes I'll go ahead and ask them what they want me to do knowing that they haven't a clue as to the right move and then do the exact opposite, just to piss them off. They get louder and attract more attention to themselves.

My point is, try to ignore them. If they become too loud or boistrous, the dealer or the PC will say something and then they will watch the loud mouth instead of you. Look at these people as a blessing keping the PC heat off of you.


Well-Known Member
I enoy the situation. I simply play more and more to upset them;
primarily by switching from one spot to two and back again on every other hand.

This frequently results in their exodus; precisely what I want to have happen.

FLASH1296 said:
I enoy the situation. I simply play more and more to upset them;
primarily by switching from one spot to two and back again on every other hand.

This frequently results in their exodus; precisely what I want to have happen.
You are all NASTY boys ...but I love your style...IT'S THROW DOWN TIME:laugh:



Well-Known Member
Eye of the Tiger?

We all have flown into the malstrum of emotions from people who critiqued our play. We have fought the minions of stupidity and ignorance with swords of valor. We rise above the masses only to become a target for arrows of ridicule and hate. We do not bend and we do not run for our shields are counts and index plays. We shall survive for we have math and IQ with us and have been tested in fire.:devil:


Well-Known Member
Krak3d said:
What's the mouth?:confused:
The Mouth is everywhere. When he/she/they sit at your table and let loose, you'll quickly recognize it. The Mouth never knows when to shut tf up.:cool:


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
I enoy the situation. I simply play more and more to upset them;
primarily by switching from one spot to two and back again on every other hand.

This frequently results in their exodus; precisely what I want to have happen.
EXACTLY. Blackjack can be a very boring game. I personally RELISH days like this, to spice up the entertainment value.

Which brings to mind an incident which happened to me a few years back:
After a few hands of what the ploppy on 3b considered "bad play" by me, he suddenly started splitting face cards, hitting 16 vs 5, doubling on 12; etc.,etc; all the while mumbling "I'm on third, I'll bust you out, you SOB". He finally gave up & left, after dumping about 500 bucks.

Like I said, I simply LOVE days like this!


Well-Known Member
Never go too far with the house's big sucker

Over the years I have run into these types thousands of times. Usually I try to just ignore them but often I can not just do that. No matter, I will play my way but have made exceptions:
The guy at the table is the house's favorite loser. Upseting him, causing him to stop playing or go to a different casino can result in your getting too much attention from the pit. Going to another table or casino with the same favorable conditions can be a good move at this time.

On a few, very rare, occassions I have shared a table with whales who have actually paid me to play their way. One time, not long ago, I was at a table with a guy who generally had between 10 and 20 grand on the table, while I am spreading somewhere around $100-$1,200. After my double of soft 18 goes badly for both of us, the guy begins to get upset and tells me that if I plan to make any more "weird" plays to let him know. Next shoe I get 9,9 vs dealer 8 and tell him that I generally split this. He looks at my $100 bet and throws me a black chip, asking me to stay. I agree and we win. A few hands later he pays me $500 not to split my 3,3 vs dealer 7 and just hit and we win again. Over the next hour he gaurantees me a push perhaps another half dozen times, win some lose some. Finally, I leave with a nice win and the guy thanks me (I guess for playing his way).
So, if you want ihate17 to play your way, just pay me!

With small players and a good count, after hearing the idiot out, I have just come out and said stuff like, "this is how I play.", and they often leave the good count for me and hang around watching and hoping I lose big. When I win during this situation, it feels great. On the other hand, if I lose several big bets to the ploppy's delight, it frustrates the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
rrwoods said:
I wanna be at that guy's table!!

This has happened to me, as well. Some older rich lady would pay me to not surrender hands. You should see the kinds of hands I began to say I'd surrender. :grin: