The Party's at Harveys?


Well-Known Member
Anyone been to Harveys in SLT lately? A friend was there over the MLK holiday weekend and reports that multiple 8-deck dealers were ignoring the cut card and dealing to nearly the end of the shoe. He observed this at multiple tables, by multiple dealers. I'll be there in a few weeks and will check it out myself, but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.


Well-Known Member

darco77 said:
Anyone been to Harveys in SLT lately? A friend was there over the MLK holiday weekend and reports that multiple 8-deck dealers were ignoring the cut card and dealing to nearly the end of the shoe. He observed this at multiple tables, by multiple dealers. I'll be there in a few weeks and will check it out myself, but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
They will probably be cutting off 2+ decks by the time you get there cause people will have burned it out by then because of this post. That may be an exaggeration but if you know of a good game why would you go around posting about it for everyone to see? Good games are hard enough to find these days, protect them with your life! (or at least sell them to people and make a few bucks off it:) )


Well-Known Member
darco77 said:
Anyone been to Harveys in SLT lately? A friend was there over the MLK holiday weekend and reports that multiple 8-deck dealers were ignoring the cut card and dealing to nearly the end of the shoe. He observed this at multiple tables, by multiple dealers. I'll be there in a few weeks and will check it out myself, but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
Forget about the game with good pen. I wanna know where you get Fried Oreo's and 12 oz Icehouses, for 3$ ARE???


Well-Known Member
They will probably be cutting off 2+ decks by the time you get there cause people will have burned it out by then because of this post.
Ahhh, so that's how it works... doh!

Forget about the game with good pen. I wanna know where you get Fried Oreo's and 12 oz Icehouses, for 3$ ARE???
Mermaids, a slots only joint on Fremont between Binions and the Glitter Gulch strip club. The daytime patrons sing/yell to themselves and their top shelf liquor would be well at your local dive.


Well-Known Member
darco77 said:
Mermaids, a slots only joint on Fremont between Binions and the Glitter Gulch strip club. The daytime patrons sing/yell to themselves and their top shelf liquor would be well at your local dive.
Yeah, and they have those big margaritas with everclear in them! :vomit:

[EDIT: No, wait...that's the Bayou place across the street. Sorry...]

darco77 said:
Anyone been to Harveys in SLT lately? A friend was there over the MLK holiday weekend and reports that multiple 8-deck dealers were ignoring the cut card and dealing to nearly the end of the shoe. He observed this at multiple tables, by multiple dealers. I'll be there in a few weeks and will check it out myself, but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
I was there over the MLK weekend too and pen was average to poor. And it was so crowded I couldn't even get in a game.

What's that place in SLT where the players' club is called "Advantage Players?" I saw that and just had to laugh! They had a sign up for a special VIP line called "Advantage Players." It probably leads to a gas chamber or something.


Brings back memories - Harvey's in the mid-80s was my favorite place - deep 1Ds, lakeview hottub suites, and one of the few times that I used depth-charging consistent/aggressive.

The pit thought I was the biggest idot, using my "dual-drive" progression - "Some gamblers increase their bets with each loss, and some increase their bets with each win. My dual-drive progression is the best of both worlds because I increase my bet whether I win of lose the hand, then restart the progression upon shuffle"

I would get that extra hand squeezed out with the pit's blessing because they understood that the deeper they went the bigger the bet, unrelated to the count. zg

bj bob

Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Brings back memories - Harvey's in the mid-80s was my favorite place - deep 1Ds, lakeview hottub suites, and one of the few times that I used depth-charging consistent/aggressive.

The pit thought I was the biggest idot, using my "dual-drive" progression - "Some gamblers increase their bets with each loss, and some increase their bets with each win. My dual-drive progression is the best of both worlds because I increase my bet whether I win of lose the hand, then restart the progression upon shuffle"

I would get that extra hand squeezed out with the pit's blessing because they understood that the deeper they went the bigger the bet, unrelated to the count. zg
Yeah Zg! Weren't those the good 'ol days though? You talking about before the explosion or no? Remember that French dip and potato salad combo for $1.95 right next to the pits...a whole inch and a half of juicy roast beef. Boy, the good 'ol days.


bj bob said:
Yeah Zg! Weren't those the good 'ol days though? You talking about before the explosion or no? Remember that French dip and potato salad combo for $1.95 right next to the pits...a whole inch and a half of juicy roast beef. Boy, the good 'ol days.
This was post explosion, circa '85... AND I loved those metal chips - pink $500s. zg


Well-Known Member
The good ol' days.... another patent example of being born too late. Seriously, every time I hear a story about the "good ol' days", I start to feel like its my generation that is walking to school uphill in the snow, both ways. :p

In the interest of full disclosure, I finally got up to Harvey's this last weekend. No one was dealing past the cut card. Go figure. In other not-so-good news, the DD at Bill's is crap. My Jan08 copy of CBJN showed a cut of .4. What I found was a cut of .5, with an initial burn of a half-deck. It's still a playable game for SLT, but requires a sh!tload of patience. I think I'll take BJ Bob's advice and just head up to Drano next time.


Well-Known Member
darco77 said:
The good ol' days.... another patent example of being born too late. Seriously, every time I hear a story about the "good ol' days", I start to feel like its my generation that is walking to school uphill in the snow, both ways. :p

In the interest of full disclosure, I finally got up to Harvey's this last weekend. No one was dealing past the cut card. Go figure. In other not-so-good news, the DD at Bill's is crap. My Jan08 copy of CBJN showed a cut of .4. What I found was a cut of .5, with an initial burn of a half-deck. It's still a playable game for SLT, but requires a sh!tload of patience. I think I'll take BJ Bob's advice and just head up to Drano next time.
Did you check out Lakeside Inn?


ChefJJ said:
Did you check out Lakeside Inn?

Can't help myself, My afternoon at Lakeside-
ZG INTERVIEW - page 17​
You pulled off a Grifter Gambit play at the Lakeside in Tahoe. That play is especially
revealing as to the camouflage afforded by consolidation betting.
Yes. The small Lakeside Lodge had the best rules in Lake Tahoe in 2000 – a one deck game with
double after split. The challenge was that being the best game in Tahoe, and a small joint to boot,
The Lakeside gives tremendous scrutiny to large and/or unusual players.
I sat down at a $3 table - the only table open - with three other nickel players and bet 1-5 quarters
in a non-count related progression for about 10 minutes, and then I asked the dealer if he thought
the house would give me a quarter game. He called the pit manager, 'Augie,' over who warmly
invited me to wait 10 minutes and they'd give me a game.

On my first hand at my $25 table I spread to three hands of $25, and the dealer informed me that

"three hands require five times the minimum” - $125 each. I looked at Augie and he shrugged and
said "three times $75 each - for him," at which I mock hesitated then increased to three hands of
$75 and proceeded to lose all three hands and including a double-down. The count being slightly
negative, I frowned at Augie and put out three bets of $75 and won all three. The count tanked
further south and I increased my bets to three bets of $100, and I won again.

Now I was 'in like Flynn' - when the count was negative I would bet three times $75-$100, when
the count was positive I would bet one hand of $300-$500, which was the house limit. About 15
minutes into the play a female approached and bet a single quarter - I frowned at the manager and
reduced my bet to two hands of $50. She played a couple more hands and wandered off as Augie
put a 'reserved' sign at my table and glowingly invited me to “... place any size bet per three hands,
you now have a private game!"

Now my bets ranged from a low of three times $25 to a max of one hand of $500 or two bets of
$375 or three times $300. In 45 minutes I was ahead $6000, at which point Augie came behind
me and said, "I have bad news," and I'm thinking he's going to bar me. But instead he informs me
that "upstairs has decided that you gotta bet $125 each at three hands.” Oh well "sucking me in" I
replied wistfully, he says "sorry."

So now I shift my betting to three times $125 in negative counts and one hand of $500 in positive
counts – winning three rounds of three times $125 in amazing succession. I happily call out to
Augie, "its working, thanks!"

Exactly 60 minutes into the play I’m up $10k when Augie taps my shoulder and informs me that
"we decline your further play." Smiling I wave half of my winnings in the form of ten $500 chips
and taunt, "don’t you guys wanna to try to win half of it back?" "No!" The romance was over.

I managed to get a comped lunch from Augie before cashing out, the two remaining tables had a
total of 5 nickel players as I departed.
