The reviews are in - 'C'


Critics average 'C' and Viewers average 'B'

Here -

Critics (Archive copy)

Viewers (Archive copy)

Typical Critic's review -

Greed is good and comes without a hint of conscience in “21,” a feature-length bore about some smarty-pants who take Vegas for a ride. Loosely based on the nonfiction book (Dead link: _“Bringing Down the House”_ by Ben Mezrich, and adapted for the screen by Peter Steinfeld and Allan Loeb, this bankrupt enterprise asks you to care about a whiny M.I.T. moppet, Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess, serviceable), who because he can’t afford Harvard Medical School (boo hoo), starts counting cards to rake in some serious cash.


zengrifter said:
Critics average 'C' and Viewers average 'B'

Here -

Critics (Archive copy)

Viewers (Archive copy)

Typical Critic's review -

Greed is good and comes without a hint of conscience in “21,” a feature-length bore about some smarty-pants who take Vegas for a ride. Loosely based on the nonfiction book (Dead link: _“Bringing Down the House”_ by Ben Mezrich, and adapted for the screen by Peter Steinfeld and Allan Loeb, this bankrupt enterprise asks you to care about a whiny M.I.T. moppet, Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess, serviceable), who because he can’t afford Harvard Medical School (boo hoo), starts counting cards to rake in some serious cash.
Typical Viewer Review -
Do not listen to the critics on this one!

by jessicarhein Mar 28, 2008


A group of friends and I saw this last night in a "sneak peek", and it was a really good movie! It made me want to go to Vegas right away and start counting. I am definitely going to read the book now. Worth the money with the story line, especially since it's based on a true story.


Well-Known Member
Feed the casino, feed the casino

A group of friends and I saw this last night in a "sneak peek", and it was a really good movie! It made me want to go to Vegas right away and start counting. I am definitely going to read the book now. Worth the money with the story line, especially since it's based on a true story.
Yes, maybe the bookstore will make a buck or two but I would guess a bunch of suckers will pick up a +1 here and a -1 there, no basic strategy, no practice, no indices and throw their money away. Hell, Vegas casinos might be able to put up a counter welcome sign at each bj table and rake in more money than ever before if the money was to become a hit (which I doubt).

The above review comment I think might be pretty typical.
