The stinkiess person ever?


Well-Known Member
I have for the life of have to wonder what people do before they come to gamble. I recently was at a table when a guy sat down that reminded me of panhandler. The smell eminating from this guy was so bad he could gag a maggot and he looked like he rolled in dogshit before he came in. I have met alot of obnoixous people with filthy habits and appearances but this guy took the cake. My eyes were watering from the smell and the dealer was having a rough time breathing. What was your worse person at the table you ever came across? blackchipjim


Active Member
Damn man, you start the thread off with something like that and you expect us to be able to have anything that comes close?

Just another check mark in the "pro" column for playing games online. Interacting with people really sucks sometimes.
Yes, once I had to leave a table because of a person with odor. But I waited for a negative count.

Another time an old man at the table had fallen from his wheelchair, and I helped him up, and he had urinated and I got urine all over me. That was a long and rough night, and believe me, that wasn't the worst thing that happened to me.

There are a lot of compulsive gamblers around who not only neglect to wash, but neglect to get up and use the bathroom. It's a terrible thing, and in a casino I expect to find people in as bad shape as those you would find doing drugs in a drug den.


Well-Known Member
where i use to deal a lot of pot growers would come in after weeks of being out in the woods growing and we got a lot of homeless people due to the $2 tables, so i know what you mean about the smell, people smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks. I mean ive gone 10-12 days without a shower (work related) but i used a TON of baby wipes to get anything that stunk at least in the morning and at night so i could sleep and feel clean



Well-Known Member
It's rough getting my wife through the cliental that hang outside our local casino, and the inside isn't a lot better (No harrasement, but it isn't LV). Other than the cliental, the casino isn't bad (good games, good entertainment, and reasonably priced drinks. (Local regs don't allow comp'd booze)).

Super high percentage of ploppies with a lot of money at the BJ tables; worse than LV in my opinion; I have a difficult time controlling myself when clueless others at the table critisize my play.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Yes, once I had to leave a table because of a person with odor. But I waited for a negative count.

Another time an old man at the table had fallen from his wheelchair, and I helped him up, and he had urinated and I got urine all over me. That was a long and rough night, and believe me, that wasn't the worst thing that happened to me.

There are a lot of compulsive gamblers around who not only neglect to wash, but neglect to get up and use the bathroom. It's a terrible thing, and in a casino I expect to find people in as bad shape as those you would find doing drugs in a drug den.
Look at the bright side of it. At least it wasnt fecal matter.


Well-Known Member
A NOT entirely Implausible explanation, but ...

Firstly, what kind of "sawdust joints" are you frequenting? :grin:

If the place has any class at all, security will move quickly to escort the stinker off the property as soon as a complaint is registered.

At The World Series of Poker in 2007 a main event competitor was actually disqualified for refusing to shower, thus forfeiting his $10,000 entry fee.

While it is extremely unlikely, there have been advantage players who would use obnoxious tactics to provide themselves with a heads-up opportunity; including but hardly limited to, munching on raw garlic cloves [actually customary in Korea I am told] and farting at the table, smoking (extra stinky) cigars, and yes, I have in fact heard of wearing stinking swaty unwashed clothes.

A friend of mine is currently playing BJ in Curacao. He reports to me that many of the players do not bother to shower or wear clean clothes despite the tropical heat. Of course, drunkenness and rudeness are rampant there he tells me.



Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Another time an old man at the table had fallen from his wheelchair, and I helped him up, and he had urinated and I got urine all over me. That was a long and rough night, and believe me, that wasn't the worst thing that happened to me.
I kind of feel really bad about bursting out laughing from reading this...but not really. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
More likely the stinkyest person ever will be found in the poker room, not at the blackjack tables.

Another thing to think about:
Those chips that filthy person is handling are being put in the dealer's tray, and then being given to you to touch.

Wash your hands frequently when handling chips.

I did see a person kicked out of a poker room with oozing open sores all over his arms when no one would touch the chips or cards this guy was handling. They even removed the chair he was sitting in and sprayed air freshener after security had removed him.


Active Member
casino chips

A friend of mine, who is a microbiologist told me about a study he had done on the safety of chips used in casinos. He explained that these chips are made of clay which is a relatively porous material, and when examined under a high powered microscope, display numerous nooks and crannies which are inhabited by colonies of bacteria. Remember, these chips are handled by hordes of people, many of which don't wash their hands after usng the bathroom, but who provide essental nutriants for the bacteria from skins cells, and oils. Chips are never sterilized but continue in circulation for years.

He advises to never put your hands near your face while playing with chips, and to wash your hands as frequently as possible. He himself, carries little packets of antibaterial moistened wipettes which he uses to periodicaly clean his hands.


Well-Known Member

I have had people with problems sit at the table for sure. Some ordors are caused by sickness or other health problems and I can empathize with people that have an excuse. I have even had to put aside a seat or two because of stench of urine and the wet spot on it. The jerk I'm talking about was on a first name basis with the dealer which shocked me. I was wash my hands alot in the casino in between handling chips because of the germs that are transmitted on them. I don't get sick as much after I started doing this. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
i carry real small bottles of hand sanitizer when i played and our pit stocked it in there when i dealt. That stuff works wonders, but if you ask dealers a lot of them are sick with colds quite a bit from the germs of the chips and cash. The cards even get bad in games where players are allowed to touch them. if you try the sanitizer get the purell stuff with lotion as it does not dry out your hands as fast.



Well-Known Member
fredperson said:
Chips are never sterilized but continue in circulation for years.
Actually this depends on the casino, while most places have filthy chips some of the high end casinos have machines which do wash the chips with steam. One casino I was in the chips were incredibly dirty and I mentioned this to the dealer and she told me they only clean their chips once a year and its done by employees who use toothbrushes to scrub them.


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Actually this depends on the casino, while most places have filthy chips some of the high end casinos have machines which do wash the chips with steam. One casino I was in the chips were incredibly dirty and I mentioned this to the dealer and she told me they only clean their chips once a year and its done by employees who use toothbrushes to scrub them.
fredperson said:
A friend of mine, who is a microbiologist told me about a study he had done on the safety of chips used in casinos. He explained that these chips are made of clay which is a relatively porous material, and when examined under a high powered microscope, display numerous nooks and crannies which are inhabited by colonies of bacteria. Remember, these chips are handled by hordes of people, many of which don't wash their hands after usng the bathroom, but who provide essental nutriants for the bacteria from skins cells, and oils. Chips are never sterilized but continue in circulation for years.

He advises to never put your hands near your face while playing with chips, and to wash your hands as frequently as possible. He himself, carries little packets of antibaterial moistened wipettes which he uses to periodicaly clean his hands.
This has been discussed a few times here. Bathroom germs are bad, and you sometimes see players with fingers up nose and then touching chips and that's just as bad. Even if you pick your own nose- you don't need anybody's colon bacteria colonizing your nostrils.

If the skin on your hands is intact it's a sufficient barrier against these germs but hand-to-mouth is always an issue and if you have a cut on your hand keep it well covered. When you hear about these fatal skin infections it's usually something that has entered through a cut or abrasion. The antibacterial products aren't as effective as soap and water, so I just go and wash my hands after handling cheques, that does the job.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is currently suffering from an eye infection that has just spread and become a sore throat. I think he got it from the chips when we were playing last week.


Well-Known Member
i forgot about chip cleaning, i was tasked to do that a couple years ago, we did ours with special chip cleaner solution that was like $40 a gallon and some rubbing alcohol (which takes off the color) and some towels, it was awefull and is one of the reasons i dont deal anymore, just seeing the nasty solution is one of the main reasons
