this forum help you to make money in bj?


Well-Known Member
KOLAN said:
No. Just i got more information.
What about you ???
Yes definitely. I learned a LOT of material on this forum, and much of the material i was able to implement in my games for a profit. :grin:
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Well-Known Member
When I first decided to learn cc, I read almost all the books as reccomended from this site (that were easily obtainable). I wasn't very active in the forums, but I definately trolled a lot and there was definately a lot of supplemental information that generally helped with the subtleties of cc. While the books can teach basic strategy, tag values, Kelly betting, and othe major parts of cc, there was a WHOLE lot more that I didn't even know was even an issue. Learning bs, tags, indexes, etc takes weeks to months to learn. Cc takes years to decades to master. This forum can only help get there faster


Well-Known Member

information yes, loads of it.

money well, some, but not much and for me probably the issue of risk and competency are the factors that make it only some money versus a lot of money, lol.

but what is the point of money and what is the point of blackjack?
i think for me that is the real issue.

just me maybe but i'm drawn to what need not be a huge upscale potential as long as it is a upscale potential that doesn't involve a lot of pain and drudgery, lol. so bottom line so far there is a payoff as far as all this stuff goes on the 'good' side.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
KOLAN said:
No. Just i got more information.
What about you ???
Most definately. Knowledge and information def translates to increased profits. This site gives you the opportunity to learn from other's mistakes.


Well-Known Member
I made 54 units in an hour my first time counting. I realize that's very high positive variance, but without the knowledge I gained from this community it would not have been possible.


Well-Known Member
psyduck said:
May I ask what is the most important lesson you learned from this site?
lemme jump in here, lol, even though it was prime # you asked, erhh, hey thats a great question by the way.:)

most important lesson isn't just one but a whole host of lessons:

that the house has an edge with out:

1. basic strategy
2. knowing the count and how to bet
.... since if you bust and the dealer was gonna bust the dealer wins
.... but because with bj you can know a history of the cards played you can know the composition of the cards to be played if you know the count.
knowing that coupled with the fact that a higher concentration of high value cards compared to low value cards means more player blackjacks, more successful insurance bets and more successful player double downs means you can raise your bets at opportune times and end up winning money even though you wont win anymore hands than normal (albeit indice plays can help with that).
... also that how to bet isn't just to do with winning more money but has to do with risk as well. lesson of the lessons is that all this good stuff comes from interacting and discussing and reading sites such as this and relevant books and software, sort of thing.
greatest lesson for me gleaned from interacting and discussions with folks on this forum has been to better understand my self as a player, just where i fit in and just really what do i know and really how competent am i, sort of thing and not to get too carried away with it all by not taking it all with a grain of salt and swilling too much kool aid, lol.

conclusions for me (and it would just be me maybe), that blackjack is a strange sort of gift from God, that it can pay in more ways than one.