this strategy is wrong, correct?


Well-Known Member
Surrendering your hard 17 against the dealer's ace is the correct play as the expectation value for standing is -65% while that of surrendering is -50%.


Well-Known Member
ok, so I thought always stand on hard 17 or higher

just started a few days ago...I haven't found a strategy chart that says otherwise



Well-Known Member
iCountNTrack said:
Surrendering your hard 17 against the dealer's ace is the correct play as the expectation value for standing is -65% while that of surrendering is -50%.
-65%?!?! I see ~-51.3%. -65% sounds waaay too big.


Well-Known Member
oi! so now I got this, which must be wrong (or i'm misreading the suggested charts)

I tried to hit



Well-Known Member
Doubling A,2 vs. 4 is correct, but only for single deck. It would seem wrong if you're looking at a 4-8 deck strategy chart.

Kudos, by the way, for supplying the screen shots. :)


Well-Known Member
damn! my bad again. I forgot to reset the option to 4+ decks (it was on 1)

ok, no more screen shot posts. This s/w is good

sorry and thx for the patience!


Well-Known Member
politcat there are 12 different versions of basic strategy. What makes them different is the number of decks, whether you can double after split or if the dealer hits or stands on soft 17. So start off by memorizing the one you will play against most often. That will be your benchmark and then when you play games with different rules you can do an adjustment, some of them you will never play against like 1D S17 DAS.

1. 1D S17 DAS
2. 1D S17 NDAS
3. 1D H17 DAS
4. 1D H17 NDAS
5. 2D S17 DAS
6. 2D S17 NDAS
7. 2D H17 DAS
8. 2D H17 NDAS
9. Multi deck S17 DAS
10 Multi deck S17 NDAS
11 Multi deck H17 DAS
12 Multi deck H17 NDAS


Well-Known Member
Most places won't let you surrender so in that case the stragedy would be wrong. If you can't surrender the best play is to stand. If the rules offered early surrender 17 against an ace is a surronder.


Well-Known Member

thx for the responses. I just started learning BJ this week and it's amazing, all the stuff to learn/memorize

what version will I play most often...i better call around and see what's offered in my area (tampa bay). I only know about the seminole place. Anyone familiar?

edit: seminole rules... dealer hits on soft 17; double any card; double after split; 8 decks; insurance on ace. So it looks like it's #9 from above. Did I get that right? :)
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Well-Known Member
politcat said:
edit: seminole rules... dealer hits on soft 17; double any card; double after split; 8 decks; insurance on ace. So it looks like it's #9 from above. Did I get that right? :)
Nope, #11. H17 = Dealer Hits Soft 17.

Will you be counting?

It looks like your game has a house edge of 0.66% and I believe the minimum is $25 per hand, unless you want to play the CSM game (which is un-countable) for a $10 minimum.

Be careful ;)
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Well-Known Member
duanedibley said:
Nope, #11. H17 = Dealer Hits Soft 17.

Will you be counting?

It looks like your game has a house edge of 0.66% and I believe the minimum is $25 per hand, unless you want to play the CSM game (which is un-countable) for a $10 minimum.

Be careful ;)
ok, #11. these abbreviations don't all make sense to me :)

counting? yes

CSM game? yikes! it may be since the minimum is indeed $10. I didn't ask, but I will. ha!


Well-Known Member
uh oh, I just read this in the card counting sticky thread: certainly don’t want to play those horrible 6:5 BJ payoffs or an ugly 8 deck dealer hits soft 17 game.
as I posted above, that's the game (bold txt) at the seminole casino here

no good huh?



Well-Known Member
to be sure, again:

  • 8 decks
  • dealer hits on soft 17
  • double any card
  • double after split
  • insurance on dealer ace
  • no surrender