Thoughts about this game?


Well-Known Member
I have found a game recently that is seems out of reach for my current bankroll(At least since losing half). But maybe future use. It's S17 DAS, split up to 4. No surrender, 6 decks. No resplit aces. $50 min. No mid shoe entry, Hand shuffle. PEN depends on dealers. Usually 1.5-2 decks. Once in while 1 deck. The interesting part of this game is if you get 1/3 through the shoe and decide you don't like it. You can have shuffle anytime and no limit on how many. Would this be good way to avoid really negative counts and lessen the variance?. I'm not sure how run a simulation on game like this with CVCX/CVData. Trying factor the shuffling when shoe goes below to TC-1. Any thoughts on this game?
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Dog Hand

Well-Known Member
Norm's incredible CVData (version 6 has just been released) has the capability of wonging out based on a combination of TC and shoe depth, so it can sim a game where the player wongs out whenever at least two decks have been played and the TC is negative.

What happens in your game if two or more players are playing and they disagree about whether or not to shuffle early?

Dog Hand


Well-Known Member
Just one comment: far from lowering variance, playing that way will greatly increase variance. The more you bet, the greater the variance--an unavoidable fact of blackjack.



Well-Known Member
Runit said:
A 1.5-2 deck shoe game being described as a “great game” really shows how blackjack has evolved over the years.
The ability to call for a shuffle anytime is what makes it unusually nice, and it sounds like there are tables available with 1-1.5 pen.