schismist said:
Yes, they are talking to me and are friendly. He asked for my card. I told him I already gave it at Pai Gow... So using a card is good, then? I didn't know... The only watched in rounds. One instance, he came sorta with his back to the table, like to the side, and then turned and watched in this strange pose, but whatevs
In general, it's not good to play with a player card, since they can track your play. But if you're regular, it's hard not to. There's several ways around it:
1) Play it only at non-BJ (playing it at Pai Gow was good)
2) "forget" it at home. (Only works so often)
3) Play with it for a bit. Then request some outrageous comp. (Go to the gift shop and look at the leather jacket, that's a good example). Ask for it on a couple visits. Both times they'll tell you you don't have enough points, and might even be honest enough to tell you you'll NEVER have enough points unless you play slots. Act dejected, and in the future, when somone asks for your card, say "what's the point, I don't play slots".
4) Learn to properly rathole your chips to minimize your "wins". (Search the forum for advice on that)
It doesn't sound like the PC is doing anything out of the ordinary. He's doing his rounds. They get bored. They act like jackasses. Don't worry about it. As long as they're not just standing around, on the phone, staring and pointing at you.
Probably my only sin here is not talking enough. I'm just not very social to begin with. I usually just smile to the other players and laugh and say some crap like "she knows how to bust!"
Learn to yak in between hands. Cheer on other players. Beg for good hits when you double down. Get the dealer to tell you how long she's been working there. Try to sit one seat away from 3rd or 1st base, so you aren't right on the pit's rail, so they can't talk to you as easily.
Don't watch the pit too closely. Players don't do that unless they want a comp. (You can combine watching the pit with comp begging as described above, though. That way you can scope them out, while laying down your cover)
This time I ramped $10-25-50-75-100, and never more than doubled or halved the bet. I figure when I'm putting in the green this just looks like a 1-4 spread. Seems more natural than trying to put in $60 or whatever.
You can play with 5 red rather than 1 green.
Nah, I go around once a week.
Others may say different, but that sounds pretty regular to me. {shrug}
If they ever start to suspect you, it's just a slow downhill from there, no?
Not really. If they start to suspect you and you do nothing, then it is. But if you're spreading your play around, not being in a pit's view for too long, and taking sufficient breaks, you'll be fine. If you suspect they suspect you (watching you too much), pick up your chips, leave, and dont' come back for a month. They won't remember you.