Title - The BJ Zone is NOT optimium!

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am aware of that conflict

However, it is a whole different concept and is integrated into the book... I will reconsider the title.

Thanks ZG.


Greasy John

Active Member
If I may offer an unsolicited opinion...

I know that the design of your book is not final but the cover seems to dark and cold--and the Milky Way doesn't have the feel of the proper background. I always liked the cover of Jerry Patterson's BLACKJACK A WINNER'S HANDBOOK. MILLION DOLLAR BLACKJACK isn't bad either. But then why be so pedestrian when you can display the ethereal beauty of the cosmos. What's the tempature out there, 1% above absolute zero? Burrrrr.
Blaine's book

Rick's book is being redone and will be published by Huntington Press in the very near future and it will not have Zone in the title.