To Richard HEAD -We are waiting for you

MR. Beasley

New Member
We are waiting for you. As a team we have elected to wait for you. Difficult times are common for people of your age and experience and we all admit that we might have been pushing you harder than you are ready to accept. IF you would still be willing to help us with the 1st base and managment position we will hold the offer open through the hole com. We are all hoping you will reconsider. - Respond by 5PM central standard -


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I think its Stalker goofing on us. zg
Well the guys name is Dick Head and they're pushing him harder than he's ready to accept. Sounds like a gag to me. ;)


Well-Known Member
halcyon1234 said:
I so want in on this, but all my money is invested in Nigeria at the moment!
You too?

I like CoolMan's analysis...I guess the cat's out of the bag now!!!