Top 21 Most Prolific Posters

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
They are rounding the turn and the Mayor is neck and neck with ZenGee! The Mayor is about to win the Card Counter Derby by a nose! Rob McGarvey is sucking the hind tit as they approach the finish line!

Total Messages: 4,112 | Total Posters: 270

zengrifter 509 12.38% 1/17/03 11:07:44 p.m.
The Mayor 509 12.38% 7/9/03 11:17:23 a.m.
Rob McGarvey 467 11.36% 7/9/03 11:16:42 a.m.

Zero Posts at the CCC (in keeping with the tradition) ;>


Well-Known Member
prolific posters *PIC*

I'm surprised to see my name still anywhere on the list. I have been very busy playing. Over 700 hours so far this year.

I attempted to attach a graph of my log results to this posting. See if this works.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Your journal -- here it is

So the scale across the bottom is hours?

Congrats on your recent wins. It looks like you went nowhere for a long time. Any ideas/comments?


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Yes! Hope he is healthy and happy. He will be a lot of fun when he gets out of jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $ Any word? Heard he was going to do the drug therapy scam to shorten his sentence as per a recent LVPro article. He'll fly past us like he has wings on his heels.


Well-Known Member
Re: Your journal -- here it is

I was just about to ask about the sharp change in results...My thinking was that perhaps there was a change in bankroll, or a new set of idices learned, or something added to the mix.

Great graph though!


Well-Known Member
Ideas and Comments *PIC*

Thanks Mayor and yes,the scale across the bottom is in hours.

This graph is programmed to smooth out smaller peaks and drops by averaging across 10 hour periods. So, my actual performance is a little rockier than it looks but this is basically pretty accurate.


Going no where as I have been for most of the year is more of the learning process, as is losing generally. I think that you cannot know how to win without knowing what losing is.

I was encouraged by the fact of the relatively narrow range that I was losing within, frustrated by the apparent ceiling on my winnings.

I figured that I must have been playing at about half my ability but, not sure how to apply it.

The turnaround date was June 1. The upward spike represents approximately 85 hours of play and took me from my low of the year to the high. A nearly uninterrupted climb of about 1000 units. Most recent play July 8. What a RIDE !!

The game is mostly 6 deck but, I was doing as well with 8 (about 20% of the play). All games with relatively good to very good penetration. DOA, DAS, S17, NS(mostly).

The system I use is UBZ II. I would characterize myself as more of an intuitive player than a mathmetical one but, will try to share my improved strategy as well as I can

The changes that I made in playing that seem to have had the greatest impact on my expectation and coincide with the improved perfromance:

a. spreading to 2 or more hands where appropriate and circumstances allow.

b. I have always only wonged out in extreme bad counts with 2 to 3 shoes played and seldom wonged in. My new strategy involved starting each new shoe with double or triple the minimum bet. Maintain that level as long as the count is rising. . Increase the bet in small steps as the count rises particularly if the count goes high early in the shoe. (This is loosely based on the color KO system ). If the count goes into doldrums or drops I start pulling my bet back toward the table minimum, pull back to one hand. Eventually just quit the shoe if the count drops too low with no apparent room for recovery.

If the shoe goes very rich (pivot point and beyond) I spread my bet based on my opening bet (of 2-3 times min) so that I am soon spread 10 to 15 times the table min and no one suspects anything becasue i have been betting high all along.

c. Insurance is my best friend at high counts. Also have done well with standing on 15/ 16 v T.

d. An improved bankroll allows me to ride out bad flucuations and hang around until the next winning shoe. I always try to walk away a winner. Also it affords me the strngth to play more aggressively with higher bets at higher counts.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Ideas and Comments

Hi BradRod, you said in private email that it was ok to post this to the board,

> Since initially sending you my graph for posting I have played 15.42 hours
> winning about 450 units in that time. I have been on a winning streak for
> 95 hours now. Winning over 22k in that period of play. This has occured in
> the last 40 days +/-.

And I know professionals that have lost over periods of 3 months at rates higher than you won. The swings of this game are incredible, and I hope you are enjoying this rush! I know one solo counter, who plays at a very high level (but not too often) that is in his third consecutive year as a net loser.

>I feel I have achieved a real mastery over this game. Not sure where to go from here.

Not until you have gone through a swing of the same size in the other direction will you be able to talk about mastery. The mastery of counting and table composure is one thing -- the mastery of yourself when money seems to be flying out of your hands for days on end, that's another thing. I once went 17 sessions without a win over $100. I went through 4 days where I lost almost 50% of my BR. Take it from me, until you have seen the ghosts of BJ hell, you have no idea. Or maybe you do. You went forever without winning. Is that when you were learning? Betting smaller? I don't entirely get your graph.

>Acouple of things I would like to explore
> are a trip to LV in th near future.. also am interested in playing some
> European or world games at some point. Would like to find out more about
> these.

How can I help you? I know a lot about Vegas, nothing about the "World" .

>Your comments in reaction would
> be appreciated either by return e-mail or if you feel they are of general
> interest as a posting.

Keep playing!


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Ideas and Comments


>Going no where as I have been for most of the year is more of the learning process, as is losing generally. I think that you cannot know how to win without knowing what losing is.

None of your losses look particularly large.

>I was encouraged by the fact of the relatively narrow range that I was losing within, frustrated by the apparent ceiling on my winnings.

Lack of variance is a sign that you are not putting out the big bets when the count says to.

>The turnaround date was June 1. The upward spike represents approximately 85 hours of play and took me from my low of the year to the high. A nearly uninterrupted climb of about 1000 units. Most recent play July 8. What a RIDE !!

>The game is mostly 6 deck but, I was doing as well with 8 (about 20% of the play). All games with relatively good to very good penetration. DOA, DAS, S17, NS(mostly).

This is not a particularly good game, unless you are getting penetration in excess of 5:6 -- the lack of surrender is a huge defect in the game.

>The system I use is UBZ II.

OK, but not great for shoe games. Better for double deck.

>I would characterize myself as more of an intuitive player than a mathmetical one but.

This scares me. There is something wrong with this statement, and I hope you never vary your plays or bet sizes based on your intuition. If intuition had ANY value whatsoever, Las Vegas would not exist.

>, will try to share my improved strategy as well as I can

>a. spreading to 2 or more hands where appropriate and circumstances allow.

This is not intuitive, this is a strong play.

>b. I have always only wonged out in extreme bad counts with 2 to 3 shoes played and seldom wonged in. My new strategy involved starting each new shoe with double or triple the minimum bet. Maintain that level as long as the count is rising. . Increase the bet in small steps as the count rises particularly if the count goes high early in the shoe. (This is loosely based on the color KO system ). If the count goes into doldrums or drops I start pulling my bet back toward the table minimum, pull back to one hand.

This sounds solid, again non-intuitive, and a way of getting a larger spread without being obvious.

> Eventually just quit the shoe if the count drops too low with no apparent room for recovery.

Of course! Bathroom breaks and cell phones are great for this move.

>If the shoe goes very rich (pivot point and beyond) I spread my bet based on
my opening bet (of 2-3 times min) so that I am soon spread 10 to 15 times the table min and no one suspects anything becasue i have been betting high all along.

Yep. Good strategy.

>c. Insurance is my best friend at high counts. Also have done well with standing on 15/ 16 v T.

It is all our friend at high counts -- but UBZ has a very poor insurance correlation. Again, the counting system you are using is far from optimal for the shoe game, where betting efficiency is the key.

>d. An improved bankroll allows me to ride out bad flucuations and hang around until the next winning shoe.

You haven't had to wait long then. The wait can go on for days.

>I always try to walk away a winner.

This is a really really bad idea. Go away a loser just as often as you can. Let them know you suck. This will prolong your life at the tables. Going away a winner has nothing to do with playing a winning game.

>Also it affords me the strngth to play more aggressively with higher bets at higher counts.

You should be betting based on count, not on your desire to walk away a winner.

My sense is that you have been lucky, and I am very happy for your rush. You also seem to have a couple of mythological deamons: intuition, walking away a winner (and maybe others?). You are using a relatively weak system for the decent game you are playing (if the pen is good enough).

Congrats on your win, I hope it continues that way for you for a long time!


suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
Losing is GREAT cover

I all to often see or hear players who refuse to leave when they are down. A good friend of mine was way down and fought all the way back and ended up taking most of the black out of the rack...this got him barred I am sure there were other factors but this was part of it. I also see other players steaming mad when they are down worried about day to day wins or losses. I have learned that this is a big part of the game I posted on AP that it takes a different breed of man to get kicked in the nuts day in and day out and go back for more but this is what it takes. I have developed a huge pain tollerence and like the Mayor I too watched 72% of my bank dissapear in less then a week I climbed back out and am now less then 2 max bets away from an all time high of course this is no gauarantee I will hit the all time high again and in fact like Orange County KO said in BJF you should think in EV not all time high. Every time you place a positve bet you are at a new all time EV high. I feel that my huge losses have helped my image a lot. I have no problem leaving when I am way down and if I happen to get back to almost even I will leave before I get ahead telling everyone how happy I am to only be down a bit instead of where I was. Also I try to keep my big losses bigger then my biggest wins but this is not always possible. So keep chunking those bets out and remember like the ploppies always seem to say.......its only chips :) SM