Though this short article does kind of advertise their own site, there are some words of wisdom in here.
We use a lot of military/war language here at Blackjack Apprenticeship, and it is not a mistake. We see a lot of parallels between being a winning card counter and being in warfare. Case in point:
I was watching one of the episodes of “The Pacific” last night, and the soldiers in bootcamp started talking about how eager they were to get out there and kill the enemy. Their Platoon Sergeant, John Basilone, in return proceeds tear them a new one… The underprepared soldiers wanted to get out there and start fighting before they were ready. But Basilone had been through enough combat to know that only the fully trained, 100% prepared soldier who is strong physically, mentally, and emotionally has a chance of beating the enemy.
This is the same for card counters. Casinos make gazillions of dollars off of people who know enough to get themselves in trouble, but not enough to beat the casino. If you want to learn 25 %, 50%, or even 90% of what it takes to be a winning card counter, you’re still letting the Casino win. But if you want to win, you need to be better trained, better prepared, and more skilled than the enemy.