Geared to perpetuate gross mismanagement
Trump Entertainment is another horribly managed operation. If I was in charge of table games and particularly blackjack, I could bring up their gross income in leaps and bounds. Trump casinos like the 8 deckers and H17, offer a 6 to 5 singledeck game (that often sits open and empty except for weekends when your more inept crowd is there) and offer poor penetration along with a ridiculously long and complicated shuffle.
If it were me, I would go according to Bill Zender's findings and cut off one deck, make all tables 6 decks aside from perhaps throwing in a few 4 deck games, lose the H17 rule, open more blackjack tables and announce to the world at large that I offer the best blackjack games available in Atlantic City. This would pump it up through the roof and what is currently garbage could develop into a mecca for blackjack players, taking away blackjack business from ALL the other casinos and increase the casino's income drastically. I would suck in all those short-stacked young, impetuous hotshots that saw that ridiculously hyped movie "21" and clean them out. Flash and Zengrifter stop by to play and whack out a few bucks? GOOD! I would have them as my poster children of "Look! See? These guys are big time winners and your best shot at winning is to play in my casino" sort of thing. One big happy family sort of thing and having the "good press" from casino patrons is worth more than any stack of billboards on the highway!
Trump Plaza HAD a poker room area in which they also had tables with intent of offering low stakes BJ games. The low stakes BJ games never even opened although they had the tables there. The poker room used this automated computer poker game in which there are no live cards and no live dealers. This never took off and whatever they paid for the equipment was a waste of every dime. Everyone played poker at Caesars next door instead and the commentary was along the lines (of the people I asked)," If I wanted to play computer poker, I could have stayed home and played on the internet!" The management of Trump is completely out of touch with what players would like or want and are also easily sold on some crappy automated garbage being sold by some outside company.
Casinos in general play upon people's greed... the promise of easy money. This is why a hardcore gambler keeps going and going and going until they hand it all back and then some! How many times have you overheard someone talking about their slot play and say something along the lines of," I was winning and doing so well so I pumped it in and kept going and lost it all back!" How many times have you seen that lucky ploppy bang out huge, ridiculous amounts of money and since they are winning press it up... WAY up only to lose it all back along with their buy in? Well, the casinos have fallen into their own trap. They have gotten greedy and grossly mismanaged things. They have tried to gouge that extra percentage point and in trying to do it they knocked the hell out of their overall gross business. BRILLIANT strategy to lose 10 percentage points in trying to gain 1.
Will casinos try to change it for the better and increase business? Will casinos take steps to be competitive instead of all following suit with each other on a downhill slope? Will they pull their heads out of their anuses so they can see what is going on around them and see what to do for positive change for the benefit of all, primarily themselves? I highly doubt it...