creeping panther
Turtle Creek is a new Casino Hotel in Williamsburg Michigan, near Traverse City.
Turtle opened in June and the old casino had been in existence over a decade.
This is simply a beautiful place, nicely laid out, very high ceiling and great air exchange. It is also bright inside due to some large windows at the entance and around the casino. There is also a nice second level that you take a escalator to that has bars, a night club, and coffee shops that also allow you to sit and look out over the casino floor while you relax with a drink. The hotel has only 137 rooms and is booked all weekends now through New Years. This is a *Very* nice hotel but should have been made larger.
The food on site is from 1 high end steak house, a deli, and a buffet. I ate at the buffet and it is not in a class with the buffet at 4 Winds but is a third of the cost.
After close examination I prefer this casino over Four Winds, both are excellent, however.
Games.....VP has JOB 9/6 in .25, .50, $1.00 denomination and a 22 machine bank of "Hot Aces" VP. An excellent assortment. BJ, 1 table of DD, Pitch, H17, LS, d10-11, no das, split 4 hands, no rsa, one card to each ace, $5 to $50, 7 spots. Sorry to say but this is a Chicken S*** pitch game that is really not playable. But at least they offer a DD game, better than all the other casino's in the lower P.
6d, 12 tables plus 2 in HS. Rules, split to 4 hands, DOA, DAS, double down on split aces, LS, H17, $5 to $200, $10 to $200. High Stakes room has 2 BJ tables with 6 spots, $25 to $500 but with S17 and no LS. The 6d games are very playable and are for sure the best in the Lower Peninsula. This casino is to be commended for offering an exceptional game. I only wish the dd game was as good, if so I would be playing it right now, not typing this report.:grin:
You have, craps, roulette, and a great poker room, as well as all the carnival games.
Turtle opened in June and the old casino had been in existence over a decade.
This is simply a beautiful place, nicely laid out, very high ceiling and great air exchange. It is also bright inside due to some large windows at the entance and around the casino. There is also a nice second level that you take a escalator to that has bars, a night club, and coffee shops that also allow you to sit and look out over the casino floor while you relax with a drink. The hotel has only 137 rooms and is booked all weekends now through New Years. This is a *Very* nice hotel but should have been made larger.
The food on site is from 1 high end steak house, a deli, and a buffet. I ate at the buffet and it is not in a class with the buffet at 4 Winds but is a third of the cost.
After close examination I prefer this casino over Four Winds, both are excellent, however.
Games.....VP has JOB 9/6 in .25, .50, $1.00 denomination and a 22 machine bank of "Hot Aces" VP. An excellent assortment. BJ, 1 table of DD, Pitch, H17, LS, d10-11, no das, split 4 hands, no rsa, one card to each ace, $5 to $50, 7 spots. Sorry to say but this is a Chicken S*** pitch game that is really not playable. But at least they offer a DD game, better than all the other casino's in the lower P.
6d, 12 tables plus 2 in HS. Rules, split to 4 hands, DOA, DAS, double down on split aces, LS, H17, $5 to $200, $10 to $200. High Stakes room has 2 BJ tables with 6 spots, $25 to $500 but with S17 and no LS. The 6d games are very playable and are for sure the best in the Lower Peninsula. This casino is to be commended for offering an exceptional game. I only wish the dd game was as good, if so I would be playing it right now, not typing this report.:grin:
You have, craps, roulette, and a great poker room, as well as all the carnival games.