Jeff Dubya
Well-Known Member
Well, I had a couple of experiences shake my confidence, so I am here for a reality check.
First off, my memory when it comes to ace combinations is faulty. I know that A, 2-7 against a 5 or 6 is always a double down hand and that A,8-9 always stands.
I seem to have particular issues with A,7.
The good news about my ace combos is that when I screw up, it's that I usually hit instead of double. So, at least I am half correct.
Anyhow, I am anxious to start learning the knockout system, but I certianly don't want to be putting the cart before the horse. I have gone back to my BJ mentor program on my palm and I am averaging about 10% incorrect answers, but because it is an intuative application that focuses on my problem areas, that percentage will be skewed.
At what point do I learn counting? Should I be 100% correct 100% of the time? What would you recommend?
Second... I saw continuous shufflers for the first time while visiting a casino in Arizona. Wierd. I am shocked that they aren't in use at every BJ table on the planet. Seriously, don't these machines completely defeat any counting strategy? If I don't know where the shoe begins or ends, then how can I count? Does anyone know the % increase for dealer advantage with these machines or does it remain constant?
First off, my memory when it comes to ace combinations is faulty. I know that A, 2-7 against a 5 or 6 is always a double down hand and that A,8-9 always stands.
I seem to have particular issues with A,7.
The good news about my ace combos is that when I screw up, it's that I usually hit instead of double. So, at least I am half correct.
Anyhow, I am anxious to start learning the knockout system, but I certianly don't want to be putting the cart before the horse. I have gone back to my BJ mentor program on my palm and I am averaging about 10% incorrect answers, but because it is an intuative application that focuses on my problem areas, that percentage will be skewed.
At what point do I learn counting? Should I be 100% correct 100% of the time? What would you recommend?
Second... I saw continuous shufflers for the first time while visiting a casino in Arizona. Wierd. I am shocked that they aren't in use at every BJ table on the planet. Seriously, don't these machines completely defeat any counting strategy? If I don't know where the shoe begins or ends, then how can I count? Does anyone know the % increase for dealer advantage with these machines or does it remain constant?