Ultimate Blackjack Tour Premiere on CBS


Ultimate Blackjack Tour Premiere on CBS
Premieres on CBS Sat, Sept 16th at 2:00
More info can be found here....
(Dead link: http://www.playubt.com/landingpage.html)


Well-Known Member
Pre-empted / Pre-paid B#llsh#t!

Turbo-Jam? Wonder Chopper?
PRE-PAID Program BS that local CBS ran......
Was really looking foward to seeing this.

Any way to watch on line?


Well-Known Member
Ultimate Blackjack Tour

I was really impressed, I think they finally have come-up with a way to make a blackjack tournament entertaining for TV audiance. I myself would have liked to seen more cards and less hype; however, it may be very entertaining for the average BJ player. I will not reveal the tournament results, but I really liked it when Ken Smith told Hollywood Dave that he liked beating him more than the other players.