Use less cover when place is going out of business?


Well-Known Member
When you know a place is soon going out of business is it easier to hit the club and use a more crazy bet spread than normal. The silver club is going out of business on Jan 10th. I really liked that club because they have decent rules and decent penetration also you can get cash back for your comps making it plus e.v. from shuffle one and perfect bs.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Hell Yeah!

Cardcounter said:
When you know a place is soon going out of business is it easier to hit the club and use a more crazy bet spread than normal. The silver club is going out of business on Jan 10th. I really liked that club because they have decent rules and decent penetration also you can get cash back for your comps making it plus e.v. from shuffle one and perfect bs.
Go for it! If I were up there right now I'd be betting $5-$50 (single Rhino) or even better $5-$100 (double Rhino). What are they going to do, kick you out so you can never come back? Besides, the dealers don't give a crap and probably neither does the floor or the sky. "Tora, tora, tora!"


Well-Known Member
I recommed 5-100 on two hands at once.

The downside might be if pit critters migrate to other stores, and remember you for playing like a fool. So I guess that depends on how mobile the Reno gaming market is, and how often you're there.


Well-Known Member
As EasyRhino says, "The downside might be if pit critters migrate to other stores, and remember you for playing like a fool." Last time I pulled this trick, after playing a couple of hours, I was getting ready to leave and noticed the PCs, ONE HOUR BEFORE THE PLACE WAS GOING TO CLOSE FOREVER, GOING OVER PHOTOS! WTF? They haven't got anything better to do at this point? Is that my picture? Could be, I dress like that. Can't quite see from here.

The thing being, these people are all going to be looking for jobs elsewhere, and just might be looking to score some points by busting a few counters for their new bosses!


No harm in milking this opportunity for everything its got!

Perhaps you could drop the dealers an occasional 5 bucks as you empty their tray! That might breed some goodwill and keep the PC off your back too.

Sad to hear the Silver Club will soon be the dead club, but you might as well help it on its way to the funeral! :) Put another nail in the coffin and all that!