Used BJ Books


Well-Known Member
Ordinarily I search for used BJ books at

Take a look at:

Here is a rarity: (the 1983 ed.) This is a page where you can find a used copy of BlackBelt in Blackjack for $1.67*listing*buyused

This looks interesting:*listing*editions

Has anyone ever read this ?

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Absolute rubbish! Book is 100% pure voodoo nonsense. Author says splitting 5's is always preferred to doubling down on them. Says the house edge on BJ is 2.69%. Misspells Thorp as "Thorpe". Says no player has ever been thrown out of a casino for winning too much at blackjack. Advocates a weird progression system that involves spreading to multiple hands and keeping separate progressions on all of them. Pretty much employs a no bust playing strategy. Etc Etc Etc.