Used Shuffler Master MD3 for sale...?


Well-Known Member
No, they cannot be programmed by the customer.

Not to feed the conspiracy theories here, but yes, it is a device that can 1) manipulate the order of cards, 2) read cards, and 3) has a microprocessor to control all of this. Technically the microprocessor could be programmed to do anything. But it's not going to be.

It would be interesting to understand their shuffling algorithms to look for weakness though.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
No, they cannot be programmed by the customer.

Not to feed the conspiracy theories here, but yes, it is a device that can 1) manipulate the order of cards, 2) read cards, and 3) has a microprocessor to control all of this. Technically the microprocessor could be programmed to do anything. But it's not going to be.

It would be interesting to understand their shuffling algorithms to look for weakness though.
heh... not going to be? What do you mean exactly? Anyway, I never understood the use of shuffle master on 2 Deck games. We can plug the cards, separate riffle, than riffle again and be done in less than 30 seconds. Plug the cards, riffle once... prepare in place in the shuffler, then press the button and wait to remove the second deck... there's no gain unless the dealer is a complete novice and can't shuffle =) So why does the casino implement shuffles on (1 deck you don't need at all) 2 deck games and pay the extra leasing fees? I can see on 6 Decks and up.. but 2 decks... no need.


Well-Known Member
Nightshifter said:
heh... not going to be? What do you mean exactly?
It's the difference between something being theoretically possible, and actually practical/achievable. Your car dashboard could be reprogrammed to play DOOM, but it's rather difficult and isn't something that can be done without extremely specialized skills.

Similarly, anything with a microprocessor can be reprogrammed, but it would require some pretty specialized knowledge that is well outside that of the casino. Presumably there are also safeguards in place. It would be easier to just replace the electronics entirely.

I was really hoping my statement wouldn't feed into the conspiracy theories. Oh well.

Source: I program embedded systems (among other things) for a living.