Using other people's comp cards

Mr. Fenner

Hi guys, been coasting along the forum, decided to share some info :)

When I visit casinos that I'm thinking of seriously counting in, I get one of my non-counting friends to visit there and get a comp card. Since most of my friends are my age, this works perfectly, and there is no trouble. Then I can just use theirs. Just in case anyone didn't want to give real ID :grin:

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Well-Known Member
Please inform your friend

If you happen to get backed off or tossed while using your friends comp card it is best to let him know this before he enters the casino using his name.
I have gotten strangers backed off by using their card but no friends and then there is the question of if they are still friends after the backoff comes.



Well-Known Member
I have used others cards with no problem. But be careful at which casinos you use them at because certain casinos now require you to show picture ID to claim any comp. There are now casinos on the strip checking ID.