Uston +/-


Thank you guys for all your help regarding my previous postings: Uston simple +\- and Foxwoods. I read all the lessons recommended by zengrifter, and many of my questions have been answered. Now the tables Mayor gave me for Uston's simple +\- make a lot more sense. Can someone please put up tables for Uston advanced +\- which converts to true count?
Also, what do the *'s mean in the tables?
8,8 vs 10 is 12* in the uston simple +\- tables:
Does this mean you would surrender 8's vs. 10 at 12 RC or higher?
17 vs. A is 4* in the surrender table.
I assume you'd surrender 17 vs. A at RC>4
But what does the * mean?
I am assuming that using HiLo or Uston makes no difference in the strategy tables with true count.

Thanks Again,

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
"Thank you guys for all your help regarding my previous postings: Uston simple +\- and Foxwoods. I read all the lessons recommended by zengrifter, and many of my questions have been answered. Now the tables Mayor gave me for Uston's simple +\- make a lot more sense. Can someone please put up tables for Uston advanced +\- which converts to true count?

The USPM is not designed to have a TC.

"Also, what do the *'s mean in the tables?
8,8 vs 10 is 12* in the uston simple +\- tables:
Does this mean you would surrender 8's vs. 10 at 12 RC or higher?

I have the book but didn't see the table the Mayor put up on this.
I would think this means you should stand if you can't surrender.

"17 vs. A is 4* in the surrender table.
I assume you'd surrender 17 vs. A at RC>4
But what does the * mean?

Same as above.

"I am assuming that using HiLo or Uston makes no difference in the strategy tables with true count.

Hi Low counts the 23456 and USPM counts the 34567 as +1, but the systems are different. USPM uses strike numbers of -9 and +9 for a 6 deck game for plus betting and play, and minus betting and play, 12 for 8 deck. HL uses specific indices for play decisions and bet decisions. They are different in this respect.