Vegas single deck


Well-Known Member
Any good Vegas SD out there without too much heat. I want to avoid 6:5 and could move up to $25. DAS would be real sweet if possible, I dont mind H17 I must. I suppose if you have to walk a mile across the casino and there is one table with SD and it is crowded you waste alot of time and energy.

It would be great to have some nearby options rather than just one table.

I have played 6D so many years the thought of SD was scary, now I love it.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know,El Cortez and The Western(not the Westin) have the only playable SD in town. Neither offers DAS,and both are H17.


Well-Known Member
Doe 4 queens still have a (fairly weak) single deck game?

Also, DAS in single deck is basically unheard of. The best you can usually get is DOA. And late surrender if you're super lucky.


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of good runs on 4Q SD back in Nov and Dec. Both were normal sessions, about an hour or two each, and both with my girlfriend. Total play for each trip was about 4hrs each.

Came back in early Jan and went right back, this time w/o my girlfriend. Or any associates, for that matter. I started around 10pm on Sat, playing with others. Stuck around, I ended up playing heads up later in the night. Played for about an hour with minimal interruption, spreading 10-70, with very little heat.

Haven't seen the current edition of CBJN, though.


Well-Known Member
All correct from personal observation, except I never made it through the obstacle course of drug dealers and assorted home boys standing around on Fremont to make it to the Western.


Well-Known Member
One time I was at EC and the dealer was dealing out almost the entire deck on SD and allowing DAS. I was like holy ****! I won so much I felt like they would arrest me if I tried to take it all with me. Some ploppies came and flat out ruined the table, I hung around too long and gave a chunk back. Oh well.

If they had S17 on SD the house would possibly not even have an advantage and DAS would result in too low of a HA too.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Doe 4 queens still have a (fairly weak) single deck game?

Also, DAS in single deck is basically unheard of. The best you can usually get is DOA. And late surrender if you're super lucky.
When I was in Vegas last May I stumbled across this game at 4 queens and made out pretty good with my first comp to boot.

Now looking at the Snyder profit index, it gets a 38 (with 3-4 players) which is table hop only. Kind of hard to table hop single deck? If you are playing heads up it becomes a winner. It scores 68.

I guess on my next trip I will have to play at the wee hours.


LV Bear

Four Queens single deck is a fraud

Four Queens is the only casino in Nevada that uses a cut card on a single deck game. The game is poor to unplayable because of the resulting cut card effect.
There is no single deck left in Las Vegas that is playable for more than chump change. If you want single deck, go to Reno or Wendover.


New Member
Poker Palace

My favorite hang out is the Poker Palace on the north end of Las Vegas Blvd.
Just drive through downtown from the strip and you will see it.


Active Member
LVBear584 said:
Four Queens is the only casino in Nevada that uses a cut card on a single deck game. The game is poor to unplayable because of the resulting cut card effect.
There is no single deck left in Las Vegas that is playable for more than chump change. If you want single deck, go to Reno or Wendover.
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Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Because the Cut Card Effect causes positive decks to be shuffled earlier and negative decks to be dealt deeper: (Archive copy)

I would argue that although the round when the cut card comes out tends to be more negative (because less cards are used when high cards fall) then that means the rounds preceding the cut card would have had to be more positive if in fact the cut card round is more negative than usual. My opinion is that the two effects exactly balance each other out so that the overall EV to a basic strategy player is the same with or without a cut card taking all rounds into consideration. The cut card round, though, would tend to be more negative but it isn't written in stone that it will be.



Well-Known Member
But it is also more likely that you will be getting an extra round when the count is negative because the cut card hasn’t come out yet. When the count is positive you might expect three rounds but when the count is negative you might get four. You’re using up the same number of cards but you are playing an extra hand in negative situations. It’s the same as preferential shuffling. It usually doesn’t make a big difference in multi-deck games, but in SD games it might increase the house edge by 0.1%.



Well-Known Member
Single Deck is dead in Vegas

From what I read Single deck is either 6 to 5 or it is a playable game in a tight ass place that will kick you out if you are any good. The best blackjack in Vegas is a good double deck game. There you might be able to DOA and DAS with them paying 3 to 2 for blackjack.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member

Tom007 said:
When I was in Vegas last May I stumbled across this game at 4 queens and made out pretty good with my first comp to boot.

Now looking at the Snyder profit index, it gets a 38 (with 3-4 players) which is table hop only. Kind of hard to table hop single deck? If you are playing heads up it becomes a winner. It scores 68.

I guess on my next trip I will have to play at the wee hours.

What were the specific rules? Pen would have to be %50 to score that low in a DOA single deck game.


Well-Known Member
Brock Windsor said:
What were the specific rules? Pen would have to be %50 to score that low in a DOA single deck game.
I was just there it is a H17 NDAS game. Both times I walked by there were two players getting 3 rounds consistently. I didn't jump in, 3 players would have been too many. The good old El Cortez $25 single deck table is always empty everytime I'm there, they deal ro6 most of the time.


Well-Known Member
k_c said:
I would argue that although the round when the cut card comes out tends to be more negative (because less cards are used when high cards fall) then that means the rounds preceding the cut card would have had to be more positive if in fact the cut card round is more negative than usual. My opinion is that the two effects exactly balance each other out so that the overall EV to a basic strategy player is the same with or without a cut card taking all rounds into consideration. The cut card round, though, would tend to be more negative but it isn't written in stone that it will be.

yes, but the point of card counting is to predict an advantage and then bet bigger when you have it. when many high cards come out in the first three rounds you might win your small bets. on the 4th round, you will still have to bet small since now the count is negative, indicating a house advantage. if on the other hand, small cards come out in the first three rounds, you will never get a 4th round in which to increase your bet to take advantage of this high count. like Sonny mentions, this is akin to preferential shuffling away decks with an advantage for the players. maybe im mis-reading what you wrote, its been a long day..


Well-Known Member
rukus said:
yes, but the point of card counting is to predict an advantage and then bet bigger when you have it. when many high cards come out in the first three rounds you might win your small bets. on the 4th round, you will still have to bet small since now the count is negative, indicating a house advantage. if on the other hand, small cards come out in the first three rounds, you will never get a 4th round in which to increase your bet to take advantage of this high count. like Sonny mentions, this is akin to preferential shuffling away decks with an advantage for the players. maybe im mis-reading what you wrote, its been a long day..
I won't argue with that since I was only offering an opinion in the first place.
