Well-Known Member
I've been able to wind down and collect my thoughts a bit now. My trip to various casinos in the Vegas area was quite an experience for me to say the least. I see some people in the part one said the s17 were all around me. For the life of me I didn't see any because if they had csm machines I discounted the table all together. I really wouldn't look at the 25min tables anyway and the time of day that I was able to look I didn't expect to see the lower table limits low. I was able to find a few low table min games on the outskirts and did have good results. I found that the one casino I did play at started to hawk me for no apparent reason ( low roller,but good player).It seems that if you play smart regardless of the amount they wait for you to up your bet. I had one ****head dealer start some **** with me just to rattle my cage. I didn't bite on this boneheads ramblings and just laughed. Downtown had some good games and was able to play a few games before the penetration started to get worse the more I won. I would quit when my wife would walk up to me as an excuse to quit so I could come back a different time and play again. blackchipjim