Vegas trip part 2


Well-Known Member
I've been able to wind down and collect my thoughts a bit now. My trip to various casinos in the Vegas area was quite an experience for me to say the least. I see some people in the part one said the s17 were all around me. For the life of me I didn't see any because if they had csm machines I discounted the table all together. I really wouldn't look at the 25min tables anyway and the time of day that I was able to look I didn't expect to see the lower table limits low. I was able to find a few low table min games on the outskirts and did have good results. I found that the one casino I did play at started to hawk me for no apparent reason ( low roller,but good player).It seems that if you play smart regardless of the amount they wait for you to up your bet. I had one ****head dealer start some **** with me just to rattle my cage. I didn't bite on this boneheads ramblings and just laughed. Downtown had some good games and was able to play a few games before the penetration started to get worse the more I won. I would quit when my wife would walk up to me as an excuse to quit so I could come back a different time and play again. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Nearby S-17 shoes

If I remember correctly, you stayed at Luxor.
MGM was probably where you should have headed for S-17 shoe games. When they are not busy the minimum is $10. Weekdays and early AM are the best time. You will not find the two S-17 pits by just walking in the door though and may have given up too early if you did go to MGM. The pits you want are located past the cage, everything before is either carnival games, or H-17 many with CSM's.
Monte Carlo has the same game at the same minimums but only a few tables while MGM has about 26. Mandalay Bay and Trop also have S-17 shoes but at $25 minimums. Trop only 2 tables and never lower the limit, while there are over 20 at Mandalay Bay and when they are slow they will lower it to $15.

None of these games are on CSM's.

I like that signal to the wife as a wongout method.


blackchipjim said:
I've been able to wind down and collect my thoughts a bit now. My trip to various casinos in the Vegas area was quite an experience for me to say the least. I see some people in the part one said the s17 were all around me. For the life of me I didn't see any because if they had csm machines I discounted the table all together. I really wouldn't look at the 25min tables anyway and the time of day that I was able to look I didn't expect to see the lower table limits low. I was able to find a few low table min games on the outskirts and did have good results. I found that the one casino I did play at started to hawk me for no apparent reason ( low roller,but good player).It seems that if you play smart regardless of the amount they wait for you to up your bet. I had one ****head dealer start some **** with me just to rattle my cage. I didn't bite on this boneheads ramblings and just laughed. Downtown had some good games and was able to play a few games before the penetration started to get worse the more I won. I would quit when my wife would walk up to me as an excuse to quit so I could come back a different time and play again. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
part 2

I geuss I wasn't being as through as I wanted on my trip. I tried to get to mgm in the morning but my partner had other plans. I didn't make it to monte carlo or slots of fun either. Tj was the h17 game I tried for the heck of it with a little sucess. I did go into Wynn for laughs to see the 100min tables and the others. I wondered if any casinos had s17 dd games but really didn't concentrate on those because of my lack of training for them. My next trip will be a little more concentrated on a few casinos at the proper times and alot less running looking for the good games. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
This is one of the things that you look for. I know I’m preaching to the quire but, Good table rules are a must along with perfect play. This is stressed by all of the authors out there as well as some accomplished APs. Having a larger BR will definitely help in so much as being able to play at tables with favorable rules and pen. Yet at the same time, there are low limit tables where you can find this in Vegas.

Since it has been posted already, I will say that a majority of them will be at MGM properties. It’s all in the timing. Some of the smaller joints in vegas will have decent rules but you will have to hunt and pick.

On your next trip out BJ Jim, try playing early morning, you will find some decent tables. Make the trip about you and your goals , not about other peoples needs.

It has taken me years to not be focused on BJ and to have some fun for once, its always been a focused effort when Im there.

Also, avoid play all and stick with wonging in on positive counts, leave at neg-counts. If you are doing this great but if not, its a tough hump to get over.

Planning is everything. Targetting a certain game is the way to go, makes the trip much more bearable.

You can overcome some of the disadvantage of the h-17 games by adjusting your BS a little.

Dont camp out on a table just because you found decent rules.

Dealers will give more pen if you ask nicely and show an interest about ( god I hate this ) who they are and where they are from if they have kids.. blah blah.. Yuk.

Get to know the Pitt, ask questions, tell them you are on a budget do everything you can to get as much info on the type of game you want to play. Even the ploppys may give you some info about the games you are looking for and where they are.


Well-Known Member
S-17 double deck games

blackchipjim said:
I geuss I wasn't being as through as I wanted on my trip. I tried to get to mgm in the morning but my partner had other plans. I didn't make it to monte carlo or slots of fun either. Tj was the h17 game I tried for the heck of it with a little sucess. I did go into Wynn for laughs to see the 100min tables and the others. I wondered if any casinos had s17 dd games but really didn't concentrate on those because of my lack of training for them. My next trip will be a little more concentrated on a few casinos at the proper times and alot less running looking for the good games. blackchipjim
Though penetration is not overall good, Slots-A-Fun does have a double deck game where the dealer stays on soft 17 for just $5. I love to point out that this game has better odds than the $500 minimum DD game at Caesars??? (remove question marks because Caesars is not Caesars but just another Harrah's sweat shop)

Mirage has a better double deck game S-17 but $25 minimum. You can find this game at several MGM casinos with minimums from $50-$100 but sometimes, early AM, when they are slow, TI will lower the minimum to $25.

I think Slots has the only S-17 DD game in town for under $25.
