Vegas vs AC


Well-Known Member
Here is what I have observed over the past month. Over 3 trips to vegas playing maybe 30 hours or so was NEVER asked for a players card or anything...

While 3 different days playing in AC I'm asked for my card to be rated every single time I sit down. Once anyone would sit down they are on you like a hawk asking for your card and if you don't have it they are like just give me your DL and we can do it that way.

Just wondering why they care so much in AC to rate you while in Vegas they could care less. And it's not like i'm playing with any big money....just spreading 1-10 on $5 or $10 tables.

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Well-Known Member
I play in AC every weekend just about, and very rarely am I asked if I want to be rated. I usually play at the Trop or the Borgata. Where do you usually play?


Well-Known Member
borgata and they are always asking, every single time too. i have maybe 20 hours playing there and have been asked almost every single time i sit down. the few times they missed me when i sat down and they'll come over mid shoe to ask. it just seems the opposite of vegas


Well-Known Member
Borgata asks me every time, too. They used to really press if you said no, but they've backed down the high pressure sales tactics lately.

Funniest line from a PC re player's card:
PC: Do you have a player's card?
Me: No
PC: Good luck anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm rarely asked about my PC in AC playing blackjack, but I usually avoid Borgata.

good luck