Very important question!


New Member
Hi, I have a question and I need your help guys.
Lets say I'm going to the casino and this is how I bet:

First bet: $10 - LOSE
Second bet: $20 - LOSE
Third bet: $30 - LOSE
Fourth bet: $100 - WIN.

Is there something wrong with that? will the dealer\casino stop me?
I appriciate your help.


Well-Known Member
No they won't stop you. Why would they? The casinos love to see people using progression systems like that because they know it causes the players to lose more money.



New Member
Sonny said:
No they won't stop you. Why would they? The casinos love to see people using progression systems like that because they know it causes the players to lose more money.

Are you sure?
Let me ask again, lets say I bet like that:

First: $10
Second: $20
Third: $30
Fourth: $100
Fifth: $200
Sixth: $400
--Until here I invested $750.
Seventh: $250 (Because my budget is $1000)

I want to take the risk that if I lose 7 times straight I lost $1000.
Are you sure this is acceptable and I won't be kicked of the casino?


Well-Known Member
Are you willing to risk a $1,000 to win $10?

If you are willing to risk a $1,000 to win $10 you will win most of the time but the times that you do lose will take at all your gains and than some lets say you win $10 *.98=$9.80 in wins of the time and lose 1000*.02= $20 in loses for a total loses of $10.20. You win 98% of the time but still lose more money in the long run. How much you win is very important in the odds.


New Member
Cardcounter said:
If you are willing to risk a $1,000 to win $10 you will win most of the time but the times that you do lose will take at all your gains and than some lets say you win $10 *.98=$9.80 in wins of the time and lose 1000*.02= $20 in loses for a total loses of $10.20. You win 98% of the time but still lose more money in the long run. How much you win is very important in the odds.

First: $10 - LOSE
Second: $20 - LOSE
Third: $30 - LOSE
Fourth: $100 - WIN
*Until here i'm +$70*
First: $10 - LOSE
Second: $20 - WIN
*Until here i'm +$80*
First: $10 - WIN
*Until here i'm +$90*
First: $10 - LOSE
Second: $20 - LOSE
Third: $30 - LOSE
Fourth: $100 - LOSE
Fifth: $200 - BLACKJACK
*Until here i'm +$230*

My fourth bet is my most important bet. I prefer to win on fourth bet (+$70) than winning regular on Fifth\Sixth\Seventh bet.
My purpose is to earn $300 each casino. It can take 10\20\30 minutes or 1 hour or a little bit more.
Is this a fantasy? I'm going to try this next week for 2 hours straight + counting for better odds.
You really can't find a working system to win money in Blackjack for 100%.. you must remember you're gambling anyway.


Well-Known Member
Guaranteed to fail

I have tried many such progression systems. You get on a roll and win and win and win. I started with a couple hundred and worked it up to over $7000 in about 2 years. Then all of of sudden, it would not work any more - all the tweaking in the world did not help.

This is the way it works:

1) You start winning, and you keep winning

2) You lose a few and start tweaking your system

3) Nothing works and you begin losing and losing; searching for that special
magic you discovered and its no where to be found

If you don't believe me, buy the blackjack program CVBJ (

You can program almost every conceivable BJ option (decks, rules, penetration, players, etc.)

Practice your game on this program - keep track of your winning sessions - (CVBJ will do it for you) - I have gone over 40 winning sessions in a row - then all of a sudden you will have a catastrphic session you cannot recover from.

Progressions are like heroin or meth - you'll get high as kite initially and think you're on top of the world, then it will destroy you!


New Member
jimmtech said:
I have tried many such progression systems. You get on a roll and win and win and win. I started with a couple hundred and worked it up to over $7000 in about 2 years. Then all of of sudden, it would not work any more - all the tweaking in the world did not help.

This is the way it works:

1) You start winning, and you keep winning

2) You lose a few and start tweaking your system

3) Nothing works and you begin losing and losing; searching for that special
magic you discovered and its no where to be found

If you don't believe me, buy the blackjack program CVBJ (

You can program almost every conceivable BJ option (decks, rules, penetration, players, etc.)

Practice your game on this program - keep track of your winning sessions - (CVBJ will do it for you) - I have gone over 40 winning sessions in a row - then all of a sudden you will have a catastrphic session you cannot recover from.

Progressions are like heroin or meth - you'll get high as kite initially and think you're on top of the world, then it will destroy you!
You just said you did it for over 2 years and earned about $7000.
But then after who knows after how much blackjack shuffles you lost.. so you should've lost $1000 after you made $7000.. am I right?

Anyway I bought that CVJB program and i'm training and can't find myself losing with that system for over hours of playing. (Maybe I won't be unlucky and play in that rare date which you need to lose 7 times straight, who knows heh)
By the way, what should I do when the game is TIE? ...';'


Well-Known Member
Take the advice from the Advantage Players on this forum - progressions do not work - you will eventually lose all your money and more! :cry:


practice on CVBJ

keep track of your sessions

I doubt that you will go more than 40 winning sessions in a row

and then you will begin losing and losing

These losses that will occur on CVBJ will eventually happen in the casino - losing lots of real cash is a much harder pill to swallow than discovering your system does not work..:flame:

I no longer advocate progressions - betting per the count (or knowing specific or general deck composition) is the only way to ensure you will win over time...:cool:


Well-Known Member
If you double your bet after every loss, you will have an (n-1)/n chance of being up by 1 unit, and 1/n chance of being broke, where n is the table max divided by your minimum bet.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Pile Onnnnn!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Sonny, Cardcounter, and Jimmtech.

The number is now 4 who are warning you against your beliefs. A few more will join.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Let's make that..

...6 in a row! See how easy it is to get a streak like this started. I bet it goes on like this forever. Look how much money you could be making right now!!! Don't listen to us though, we're just a bunch whack jobs. Now go out there and just lay some serious towers of clay on that green felt circle...and watch it grow right before your eyes!!! :eek: :eek:


Well-Known Member
captainil said:
(Maybe I won't be unlucky and play in that rare date which you need to lose 7 times straight, who knows heh)
It's not a rare event at all. You will lose 7 hands in a row about once every two hours. If you accept the fact that there may be some pushes mixed in between the losses and the possibility of losing several bets on a single hand (like splits and doubles) then it will happen more often. It is a very common event. Your system is very likely to fail right away. :(

I love how he "prefers" to win on his fourth bet. I guess that means I prefer to win all my bets.

This is just so stupid may as well just hand over the money.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
On a more positive note it is suckers like that that keep the casinos open for us.

I have seen so many people throwing their money at the casinos that I know the casinos will be around when I want to play.


Well-Known Member
I also have a question

captainil said:
Hi, I have a question and I need your help guys.
Lets say I'm going to the casino and this is how I bet:

First bet: $10 - LOSE
Second bet: $20 - LOSE
Third bet: $30 - LOSE
Fourth bet: $100 - WIN.

Is there something wrong with that? will the dealer\casino stop me?
I appriciate your help.
Every experienced blackjack player can tell you of losing streaks they have had of 10 hands, 15 hands and even more than 20 hands in row. As a matter of fact the odds are that once every 20 hours of blackjack play you will experience a 10 hand losing streak.
Place that in your's or any other similar progression.



New Member
As I said before, I bought that CVBJ program and i'm practicing that progression system.
I checked the bankroll stats and I see "Rounds played: 258". I don't know how much decks it is but I played about 4.5 hours.
I started with $1500 and now I'm about $2370.
I agree with the fact you technically risk about $1000 for earning only $10, but if you're not so unlucky, you might earn some money.
Don't forget you might get blackjack on your fourth\fifth\sixth\seventh hand which will make your profit higher.
Also, you must not forget you might be TIE on your fifth\sixth\seventh hand which will make you some problems ;)

I'm that kind of guy that would take that risk of losing $1000 sticking with that system. Just wish me good luck :)


Well-Known Member
If you system works 99 times out of 100,what will you have? 99 series of $10 wins,and one $1000 loss. To make money,you need a winning percentage better than 99%. What are the chances of you losing 7 decisions in a row? If they are higher than 1%( and they are),your system has a deadly flaw.
To look at it from a different perspective: In the hundreds of years that casinos have existed,do you really think that you and only you have discovered a simple mathmatical formula that will overcome the houses edge?
Well,Do Ya?
You are playing a system almost every person who gambles has thought of,most have tried and none have succeeded with.
I can no more wish you luck than I can wish a drunk good luck on his drive home. You are both wrecks in waiting.