Vicksburg Blackjack Info/Minimums


New Member
During the week what type of blackjack games do they have at the Horizon?

Do they offer $3 shoe blackjack or $5 pitch blackjack? THANKS!


Well-Known Member
Rainbow in Vicksburg backed me off and escorted me off their property in UNDER 15 minutes !

I bet 2 hands of $5 to 2 hands of a combined $45

That was a conservative 4.5 to 1 spread.

Not only that but the pen' on the DD game was 55%

Yuck. I was about to leave the smelly place.

What a shithole that tiny joint is.

I mention this because Horizon backed-off a friend of mine earlier this year and the places are very similar little joints.

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Rainbow in Vicksburg backed me off and escorted me off their property in UNDER 15 minutes !

I bet 2 hands of $5 to 2 hands of a combined $45

That was a conservative 4.5 to 1 spread.

Not only that but the pen' on the DD game was 55%

Yuck. I was about to leave the smelly place.

What a shithole that tiny joint is.

I mention this because Horizon backed-off a friend of mine earlier this year and the places are very similar little joints.

Wow, that's an awful story, Flash.

Obviously, there was no time for a skills check, so do you think they had a picture from up the road?

Or do you think two hands of any kind just flat out spooks these Horizon hawks (even taking the conservative route by always playing two hands of 1 unit as a minimum point to spread from--which is something we've all seen Ploppies do from time-to-time)?

Best regards,

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Well-Known Member

My intention was to leave, Win or Lose, at the shuffle, and that was going to be the last hand.

You said " ... think they had a picture from up the road?"

That is not plausible as I have NEVER been backed off anywhere in the State of Mississippi.

I think that The floorperson was pissed when I won back much of my quick loss in one round;
and she instantly decided to toss me. That was at a little tiny joint.
There was only one other BJ player, although it was early afternoon and that ploppy was betting the minimum.
The property may be in financial straits. I would not be surprised.

The ONLY casino in Vicksburg that is comfortable accepting goos action in Ameristar.

Someone I was rooming with this year did get barred and escorted out of Ameristar by spreading $25 to $150 at DD.
