video poker


Well-Known Member
i used to think i knew how to play video poker, thing is i could never find the better machines. well i think i might have found some 9/6 jacks or better machines. thing is now i've forgotten everything i ever thought i knew.
is the info below accurate? :confused:
like would this be the full pay pay out table for a 9/6 machine?
this would be a good pay out table for jacks or better? :confused:

Royal flush
Straight flush
Four of a kind
Full house
Three of a kind
Two pair
Pair of jacks or better
1 coin	2 coins	3 coins	4 coins	5 coins
250	500	750	1000	4000
50	100	150	200	250
25	50	75	100	125
9	18	27	36	45
6	12	18	24	30
4	8	12	16	20
3	6	9	12	15
2	4	6	8	10
1	2	3	4	5
would this be the proper strategy to play?
[I]This is a full version of a Jacks or Better video poker strategy chart. Like most video poker strategy charts, it's a list of potential hands in order of return. You start at the top and go down until you find a hand that matches the hand you've been dealt, then you keep the cards indicated. Since the hands are in order of expected return, once you get to a hand, you just stop; you do not continue to go through the list of hands.
Royal flush
Straight flush
Four of a kind
Four cards to a royal flush
Full house
Three of a kind
Four cards to a straight flush
Two pair
Pair of jack or better
Three cards to a royal flush
Four cards to a flush
10-J-Q-K, unsuited
Pair of 10's or lower
9-10-J-Q, unsuited
8-9-10-J, unsuited
9-J-Q, suited
9-10-Q, suited
Four cards to a straight, open-ended
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps & two high cards
Three cards to a straight flush with one gap & one high card
Three cards to a straight flush, open-ended, & no high cards
J-Q-K-A, unsuited
Two cards to a royal flush (two suited high cards)
Four cards to a straight with one gap & three high cards
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps and one high card
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps and no high card
J-Q-K, unsuited
Two unsuited high cards (throw away the ace if you have three)
Two cards to a royal flush with a 10 and no ace
One high card
Three cards to a straight flush, with two gaps and no high cards
None of the above - draw five cards

A "gap" means that there is an inside card to a straight that's needed in order to complete a straight.

"Suited" cards are of the same suit.

"High cards" are jacks or better.
is this a good site for jacks or better video poker?
(Dead link:


Staff member
Yes, that's a 99.544% "full pay" Jacks or Better paytable.

The strategy chart is close, although there are a couple of issues.

9-J-Q suited should be below four cards to a straight, open-ended.
(For example, if you have an unsuited 10 with the above, hold it too.)

"Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps and no high card" appears in the list twice. Only the lower entry is accurate (just above draw five new cards).

There may be other issues, but none I see in a quick review.

The website looks to be full of pretty reputable info.


Well-Known Member
hummm...lets say you flop a full house? take it or pray for 4 of a kind?

Some % chance of winning an extra 80 units (4 of a kind)
Some % chance of winning 30 less units (3 of a kind)
Some % chance of winning = units (full boat)

I prob could do the math...but its late
so which is best?


Well-Known Member
Hold the full house. Do the math. Even guesstimating the expected results shows its a no brainer on this pay schedule.


Well-Known Member
a very good free site for pay tables and searchable database on casino video poker available games is here. Don't play too much VP though. I found I tend to loss my BJ winnings on VP. It is very addictive.
