Well-Known Member
i used to think i knew how to play video poker, thing is i could never find the better machines. well i think i might have found some 9/6 jacks or better machines. thing is now i've forgotten everything i ever thought i knew.
is the info below accurate?
like would this be the full pay pay out table for a 9/6 machine?
this would be a good pay out table for jacks or better?
would this be the proper strategy to play?
[I]This is a full version of a Jacks or Better video poker strategy chart. Like most video poker strategy charts, it's a list of potential hands in order of return. You start at the top and go down until you find a hand that matches the hand you've been dealt, then you keep the cards indicated. Since the hands are in order of expected return, once you get to a hand, you just stop; you do not continue to go through the list of hands.
is this a good site for jacks or better video poker?
(Dead link:
is the info below accurate?
like would this be the full pay pay out table for a 9/6 machine?
this would be a good pay out table for jacks or better?
Royal flush
Straight flush
Four of a kind
Full house
Three of a kind
Two pair
Pair of jacks or better
1 coin 2 coins 3 coins 4 coins 5 coins
250 500 750 1000 4000
50 100 150 200 250
25 50 75 100 125
9 18 27 36 45
6 12 18 24 30
4 8 12 16 20
3 6 9 12 15
2 4 6 8 10
1 2 3 4 5
[I]This is a full version of a Jacks or Better video poker strategy chart. Like most video poker strategy charts, it's a list of potential hands in order of return. You start at the top and go down until you find a hand that matches the hand you've been dealt, then you keep the cards indicated. Since the hands are in order of expected return, once you get to a hand, you just stop; you do not continue to go through the list of hands.
Royal flush
Straight flush
Four of a kind
Four cards to a royal flush
Full house
Three of a kind
Four cards to a straight flush
Two pair
Pair of jack or better
Three cards to a royal flush
Four cards to a flush
10-J-Q-K, unsuited
Pair of 10's or lower
9-10-J-Q, unsuited
8-9-10-J, unsuited
9-J-Q, suited
9-10-Q, suited
Four cards to a straight, open-ended
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps & two high cards
Three cards to a straight flush with one gap & one high card
Three cards to a straight flush, open-ended, & no high cards
J-Q-K-A, unsuited
Two cards to a royal flush (two suited high cards)
Four cards to a straight with one gap & three high cards
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps and one high card
Three cards to a straight flush with two gaps and no high card
J-Q-K, unsuited
Two unsuited high cards (throw away the ace if you have three)
Two cards to a royal flush with a 10 and no ace
One high card
Three cards to a straight flush, with two gaps and no high cards
None of the above - draw five cards
A "gap" means that there is an inside card to a straight that's needed in order to complete a straight.
"Suited" cards are of the same suit.
"High cards" are jacks or better.
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