Just got back from AC. I have never seen more BAD players than I saw yesterday. Splitting 6's against a dealer 10, hitting 14 against a dealer 6, etc. It was unbelievable!
The funniest one:
I'm at a table playing with 2 others. One guy doing the stupidest things imaginable. The other guy (Asian) going nuts about it, ranting and raving about bad players. Count is going negative, Asian guy announces "I can't play any more until this guy leaves." I used the opportunity to say "me neither." After about 3 more hands the guy leaves as the count starts looking a bit better. Both of us sit back down. Mr. Proper Play has A2. Dealer has a 2 showing. What does he do? He doubles! Good thing I didn't have an beverage in my mouth at the time :laugh:
The funniest one:
I'm at a table playing with 2 others. One guy doing the stupidest things imaginable. The other guy (Asian) going nuts about it, ranting and raving about bad players. Count is going negative, Asian guy announces "I can't play any more until this guy leaves." I used the opportunity to say "me neither." After about 3 more hands the guy leaves as the count starts looking a bit better. Both of us sit back down. Mr. Proper Play has A2. Dealer has a 2 showing. What does he do? He doubles! Good thing I didn't have an beverage in my mouth at the time :laugh: