I'm not naming the casino where this is, but my wife recently got hired to work the cage. Taking a pay increase and getting benefits to boot. Funny thing is, we've hit this casino regularly as counters and have taken the place for a decent chunk of change already. in fact I have never lost there . She's getting the tour of the whole place tomorrow and I'm hoping they'll show her the surveiliance room so she knows how they watch for counters.
So now when I'm off the road I am going to car pool in with her and work the same shift as her at the tables. Did this on her first training day -- this past Monday -- and ended up making $322 plus comps. With only about 5 hours of playing time. (other 3 hours spent at the buffet, taking care of errands, searching for apt)
Not really asking any questions, just kinda bragging 'cuz I think this is frickin' awesome.
So now when I'm off the road I am going to car pool in with her and work the same shift as her at the tables. Did this on her first training day -- this past Monday -- and ended up making $322 plus comps. With only about 5 hours of playing time. (other 3 hours spent at the buffet, taking care of errands, searching for apt)
Not really asking any questions, just kinda bragging 'cuz I think this is frickin' awesome.