Well-Known Member
Took a trip up to AC this weekend. Played 6-deck about 26 hours overall using KO. Won $1,300. Lost $370 playing craps, $25 playing slots. Not too many positive counts the first day, and experienced losses during positive counts. Down $500 four times and came back at last to about $400 winner--tough grind for about 18 hours. Next day, pen started off terrible, but got better, especially after a lady called the dealer down on the lousy pen. I wouldn't have the nerve since it is almost like admitting to counting. But I chimed in, "Yea, don't cut so much out because all the aces might be in the cards you're cutting out." An obviously moronic statement that nevertheless added to the perception that the players were upset with the pen. Remarkably, after that we had good pen all day and night. Got some really good positive counts and left with $900. All in all, a very good weekend. Looking forward to next week.