
Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Haven't been yet, but hear it is the best place for single-deck. If you know a lot of index plays you could make some cash without much of a spread...watch for heat. Let me know how it goes, Im thinking of getting there shortly.
It's worth it. But playing SD is a whole different world than shoe, and you can be in for some huge losses if you don't know what you're doing.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Amen to that!

Automatic Monkey said:
It's worth it. But playing SD is a whole different world than shoe, and you can be in for some huge losses if you don't know what you're doing.
Monk's words are very true. Single deck TC's move around in warp speed, huge losses can pile up within an hour. On the other side of that coin, however is WINNING. That may be harder to handle than the losses for those who are unaware of survellance from above and below.
Wendover is a place that has 5 casinos. It's very small with hardly any retail activity in town. Peppermill owns 3 of the 5 stores and have the playable games.

Nugget has some playable games...dealer dependent...but is very sweaty, unlike the Pepp stores.

Generally speaking, if you don't get greedy, you shouldn't have any trouble playing here.
