West Virginia - January Blackjack


Well-Known Member
Would it be beneficial to West Virginia to deal the "best" 6-Deck game in the East at all tables. My point is will this be better for their bottom line than the standard minimum Indian 8D games considering increased daily table play. I think it would take a very good AP to regulary profit camping out.


Well-Known Member
They don't have the incentive to deal good games. They are the only BJ game for several hundred miles and have a captive audience of people from western PA, OH, etc.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
They don't have the incentive to deal good games. They are the only BJ game for several hundred miles and have a captive audience of people from western PA, OH, etc.
I agree for the most part. A place like Wheeling could attract quite a bit of the surrounding rural areas and metro Pittsburgh.

For an AP who lived in Columbus, OH or even SE Ohio, wouldn't it seem better to just drive an extra hour to Cincinnati? Those boats offer "decent" games if Wheeling Island bombs with the rules.

good luck
21forme said:
They don't have the incentive to deal good games. They are the only BJ game for several hundred miles and have a captive audience of people from western PA, OH, etc.
Exactly. The gaming public doesn't know the difference between good rules and bad. Sure, bad rules will chase away the high rollers but those guys don't go to Wheeling anyway.

But, you never know. There are some good games in small, remote places.


Well-Known Member
As Mountaineer Racing had bad BJ when it owned Binions and The Speedway in highly competitive Vegas,I can't imagine they'll offer a good game in WV.
Hope I'm wrong,but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
mountaineer is drawing alot of PB's

from salamanca new york indian reservation and they are saying the rules will be close to tribal casinos but they did not elaborate . I agree with shad as well that I am sure they will not be inclined to offer advantageous games as there is limited competition around the area basically and what competition there is has better rules like the riverboats in Indiana near cinci and the tribal casinos in NY .:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
...what competition there is has better rules like the riverboats in Indiana near cinci
What are the rules there anyway? Never been. Can u spread? Any mid-shoe entry?


Well-Known Member
the rules are basic

dbl on any two cards , DAS, DS on soft 17 , split and double afterwards . Yes you can spread easily and heat is minimal as well . Mid shoe at almost all levels - however there is also no mid shoe at all levels if players request it .:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
They'll lose my business if the game is not at least as good as AC -- really it needs to be better for me to make the short drive versus fly to Vegas. That said, they'll do much better offering crap rules. Have you seen the full 6:5 tables in Vegas? Until people are educated, you might as well offer terrible games. If I opened a casino in WV, I'd offer CSM, H17, no DAS, no peek, and BJ pays 1:1 (suited pays 2:1). And the tables would be full of hillbillies. Maybe offer one high limit table with good rules and a $50 minimum.


Well-Known Member
2:1 on suited Diamond BJs,1:1 on the rest. You'll still get a flock of seagulls wanting to give up their money.


glovesetc said:
dbl on any two cards , DAS, DS on soft 17 , split and double afterwards . Yes you can spread easily and heat is minimal as well . Mid shoe at almost all levels - however there is also no mid shoe at all levels if players request it .:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:
Whats the pene? zg


Well-Known Member
no idea yet zen

the casino is going or supposed to be opened december 16th the last i heard !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2: Those are the rumor mills rules - so take it for what it is worth .:) :grin: ;) :cool:


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
the casino is going or supposed to be opened december 16th the last i heard !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2: Those are the rumor mills rules - so take it for what it is worth .:) :grin: ;) :cool:

Keep us posted!

I've always wondered what would happen if I had a BJ game that close.

Will I be there every day or hardly ever lol?


Well-Known Member
it will be interesting Kasi

3 hours to Salamanca , 2 and a half hours to detroit and 2 hours to montaineer . Guess they are just moving closer to us !!!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
3 hours to Salamanca , 2 and a half hours to detroit and 2 hours to montaineer . Guess they are just moving closer to us !!!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2:
Speaking of Detroit the new MGM sucks. At least on a Thanksgiving Sat night. Unless you like lousy pay tables at 3-card poker, H17 BJ, I think, not sure, even at $50 tables, and $25 H17 Spanish 21.

And you'd be lucky to find a seat at a $25 table.

Pyhsically though it's nice - much like Vegas.

The real downside is I apparently like Johnny Walker Blue alot. I think $28 or $44 a shot not sure lol. I never knew Blue existed lol. Fortunately I passed on the $100 (maybe only 60-80 or so I can't remember, for obvious reasons) Kobe hamburger. Actually a wonderful restaurant, it began with a "B" lol.

For $100/person, I'd actually do it again. And I don't say that very often lol.

And so went our hard-earned winnings over 8 hours lol.

Oh yeah - paying for drinks seriously cuts into EV lol.

But for $4 they actually put real alcohol in it, unlike AC or Vegas lol.


Well-Known Member
I have heard a few people say MGM

blows dead bears in a blizzard in antartica. Seems to be the the buzz on it . I went to salamanca yesterday with our crew of old farts and I dropped $2,500.00 over 6 hours playing black so I guess that was not too bad . Salamanca has Kobe steak and hamburgers as well and i can not tell the difference between a McD's dbl cheeseburger - lol . Sandwiches and dinners was all comped and the tab for 8 was like $960.00 with tip so it was ok . At my advanced age and crap health I have a strong feeling that my trips are gonna be really limited as I am still recovering - lol !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2: :)


Well-Known Member
glovesetc;61045 Salamanca has Kobe steak and hamburgers as well and i can not tell the difference between a McD's dbl cheeseburger - lol . [/QUOTE said:
My wife tells me I had a Kobe steak at Salamanca earlier this year. She tells me I really liked it. Apparently, they very reluctantly let me eat at all since it was 10 PM and they wouldn't let me in at 5 PM.

And, apparently, I made a small misnake in multiplying and adding and tipped the waitress $168 on a $150 dinner lmao.

But, hey, it was my birthday (apparently you should picture me frequently and repeatedly pumping both arms up in the air like Mini-me in Austin Powers and saying "It's my birthday") and their money lol.

I do remember when play stopped and the female dealer shouted "BOOGER CHIP IN PLAY" like five times untill the female pit boss came over with plastic gloves on and started spraying the chips, meticulously examining one chip at a time, with Lysol. That was a new one. Apparently, I fell off my chair and on the floor lmao. Not that I believe it for one second lol.

It's hell getting old.


Well-Known Member
yerp it is a bitch getting

older but that is a prerequisite of old age - the alternative is worse !!!!! Where you located - maybe get together sometime at salamanca for sure .:) :grin: ;) :cool: :laugh: :cool2: