what a night


Thanks for everyone reply my first post last time. Although some stones did
bruise my forehead.

I went the casino yesterday night, played from 6:30 to 10:30 Pm. It was a
tough night, most of my table-mates could sit there for no more than 2 hours.
One asian bought in $400 and lost within 30 minutes, actually his bet was
spread from 10 to 40, wasn't so bad.

The dealer kept on talking to me, which made me lost my count twice. I continued from the previous count ( before lost), still wondering how to
handle/avoid this. My bet was from $5 to $40, the pit boss didn't give me
a damn. lost $70.


Well-Known Member
It is really difficult to keep up with the count while other players or the dealer wants to chit chat with you. It is getting easier though the more I play.